“What made Justice Kennedy’s decision in Obergefell so damaging was not its seemingly endless, vapid paeans to individual autonomy and other pseudo-intellectual claptrap. The inferior quality of Kennedy´s musings is beside the point. The problem is that his musings have no basis in our Constitution or in the moral and intellectual traditions that shaped it and our culture. Kennedy´s legal reasoning, such as it is, flagrantly violates the rule of law in order to impose the “correct” policy on the nation.”
But this article is not about same sex marriage. It is about the flowering of legal cynicism. Cases are decided, not on the basis of law. Instead private ‘social justice’ opinions are arbitrarily imposed as law, even as constitutional law, with no basis except raw judicial power.
This ought to worry us.
But this article is not about same sex marriage. It is about the flowering of legal cynicism. Cases are decided, not on the basis of law. Instead private ‘social justice’ opinions are arbitrarily imposed as law, even as constitutional law, with no basis except raw judicial power.
This ought to worry us.