Lay Catholic Ministry Approval

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Is there a need for Diocese approval on lay Catholic ministries that are not attached to a particular parish? For example, Catholic musicians or speakers that refer to what they do as a Ministry or just the fact that they advertise themselves as Catholic. Is there a process/approval that they needed or can they just present themselves publicly as Catholics?
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Is there a need for Diocese approval on lay Catholic ministries that are not attached to a particular parish? For example, Catholic musicians or speakers that refer to what they do as a Ministry or just the fact that they advertise themselves as Catholic. Is there a process/approval that they needed or can they just present themselves publicly as Catholics?
Welcome to Catholic Answers Forums. ✝️

If the ministry is to be acknowledged as Catholic, the wisest and safest course would be to consult the parish priest with clear disclosure of aims and intention.
Not all Catholics are well-informed, and could bring an error or a spirit to the ministry that isn’t in accord with Catholic teaching or attitudes.
To avoid any danger of anyone misleading or in any way giving scandal, if the ministry is recognised as Catholic, it should have at least approval from the local pastor

God bless you, and God bless the ministries that He inspires in the Church.
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If they work within the diocese they most likely have to have training that allows them to be around children. Anything that is done in our diocese requires it, even the volunteers cleaning an empty church.
Other than that, I am not sure the musicians need to prove they are Catholic anymore than anyone else would.
I can offer no authoritative commentary, but I am aware of the following canons:
Can. 216 Since they participate in the mission of the Church, all the Christian faithful have the right to promote or sustain apostolic action even by their own undertakings, according to their own state and condition. Nevertheless, no undertaking is to claim the name Catholic without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority.
Can. 300 No association is to assume the name Catholic without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority according to the norm of can. 312.
Can. 312 §1. The authority competent to erect public associations is:
1/ the Holy See for universal and international associations;
2/ the conference of bishops in its own territory for national associations, that is, those which from their founding are directed toward activity throughout the whole nation;
3/ the diocesan bishop in his own territory, but not a diocesan administrator, for diocesan associations, except, however, for those associations whose right of erection has been reserved to others by apostolic privilege.
§2. Written consent of the diocesan bishop is required for the valid erection of an association or section of an association in a diocese even if it is done by virtue of apostolic privilege. Nevertheless, the consent given by a diocesan bishop for the erection of a house of a religious institute is also valid for the erection in the same house or church attached to it of an association which is proper to that institute.
Your best bet is likely to call the chancery.
If you want to use the name “Catholic” as in “Southern Catholic Music Company” you need the Bishop’s permission.

If you want to go sing Catholic songs at a local event as just “Southern Love Music” you do not need the Bishop’s approval.

If you want to sing/speak at a Parish or Diocese event, then your Diocese has a form that has to be completed by the Parish/Host who is bringing you in to speak. You will be vetted by the Diocese, they will want the name of your pastor, etc.
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Answered on your other thread.
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Thank you for the great replies and that was what I was thinking as well. It just concerned me for those who are on YouTube and Catholic musicians that can advertise as Catholic but not necessarily being approved or restricted. It’s always best to know that someone is approved in such areas as to not speak incorrectly to the public.
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