Lay Dominican Order

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I am wanting to learn more about the Lay Dominican Order but their doesn’t appear to be a chapter in my area. Does this mean I’m out of luck?

Thank you for your time.
  • Sloth
I’m looking into the Third Order Carmelites myself.
If you google Third Order Dominicans there are quite a few links that come up.
Use their contacts to find out if there are any local chapters, you may be surprised by what
you find. I don’t know about the Lay Dominicans, but some third order do allow participants that are not allied with any particular chapter if they live in remote areas.
You may need to travel and visit a Dominican clergyman to get started and for occasional guidance. Things are a bit easier now with e-mail and texting.
Keep looking and best of luck with your search.
May God point you in the right direction.

I am wanting to learn more about the Lay Dominican Order but their doesn’t appear to be a chapter in my area. Does this mean I’m out of luck?

Thank you for your time.
  • Sloth
Me and my husband are lay dominicans.
In our chapter we have brethren who are far from our chapterhouse, so they are connected with us for our meetings via skype. We also have a sister who doesn’t have access to our videolink, nut she is a prayer member and occasionally she travels to see us and be on a meeting.
Where there is will there is surely a solution 😉
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