Lay people

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Could someone share their ideas on what are some of the ways that the laity can evangelize?

Besides a simple living out your faith in the presence of others, I am aware of that way of course.
Jesus.our Lords peace be whit You.
I assume You mean secular people.
I have a strong call to priesthood,have had it for as long as I can remember,but born in a Luterhian family where religius things never was spoken about,I did marrie,and I divorced ten years later,and converted to my true faith and home,the Catholic Church,I can’t be a priest because I am to old by now,50,but God took me to this site,or forum,where I can ansver question,and maybe sometimes help someone. That,and a life whit prayers,I am retired due to depression and panic-atacks,I have all the time to do so. My childred are adoults,and I can’t nor want,to date or get married again,so this is how I practise not ony my faith but my call aswell,knowing very well I am not a priest. So I understand Your feelings. You can do as I do,ansver here peoples questions,or maybe join one of Your Church groups,there are many ways,and if pray,God will point You in the direction He wants You to go so that You can serve Him (and the church) in the way He wants. To me He gave this forums whit all groups,so He will help You. I wish You all the best,and please send my a private message sometime to tell me how it works for You.
Find a busy sidewalk, open up your bible, read it out loud. simple huh?
Could someone share their ideas on what are some of the ways that the laity can evangelize?

Besides a simple living out your faith in the presence of others, I am aware of that way of course.
ask people who might be interested to come to Mass with you, but also to participate in parish ministries that are not tied to liturgy, such as St. Vincent de Paul, service projects and social events.
if you are not part of CCD/PSR/RE or RCIA consider volunteering, especially for the most needed ministry, RCIA sponsor.
Could someone share their ideas on what are some of the ways that the laity can evangelize?

Besides a simple living out your faith in the presence of others, I am aware of that way of course.
Hi dnar,
May I suggest that you check out a Catechesis course. They are specifically honed to those who wish to introduce Christ to others.
I myself have just started one and would heartily recommend it to anyone who is enthused about their Faith.
Check the internet for Catholic colleges and institutes near you. Your PP may be able to suggest one.
You get assignments but they are not very long and the tutors are very helpful.
God Bless,
“Lord that I may preach the Gospel and only when necessary with words”

St. Francis of Assisi
First of all you can evangelize in your own church. Teaching Catechism to children is the best way to evangelize the next generation.

Catholic Answers Forums and groups are an excellent way!

Pray for the Lord to bring people to you, it is amazing how many people will ask questions about the Catholic faith, then it is your opportunity to evangelize.
“Lord that I may preach the Gospel and only when necessary with words”

St. Francis of Assisi
Sorry that’s a misquote. St Francis did not say “only”. He certainly was not denying the fact that Catholics must use words to evangelise.
Totterman - may I humbly suggest if you would allow me that you swing by the Vocations forum and ask about Lay/Secular Orders. You may have a calling there or even to a Consecrated Life but the Consecrated Religious there such as JREducation and ByzCath (Br Jr and Br Dave) could help you better than the lay people on the forums as this is the life they live.

As far as how to evangelize - I would go ahead and make an appointment with your priest and see what the priest has in mind for openings and then take it!
=dnar;7158432]Could someone share their ideas on what are some of the ways that the laity can evangelize?
Besides a simple living out your faith in the presence of others, I am aware of that way of course.
There is no better, no more efective way than to:
  1. Know what we beleive
  2. Know why we believe what we do
  3. Live our Catholic Faith Publically like the lamp on a hillside
Do this and God will grant you additional opportunities.
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