Leading a Friend

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About two months ago, my friend, who had always been agnostic at most, came to me with the words, “Convert me to Christianity.” He has already received a Protestant baptism. I told him a good start would be to read the gospels and pray frequently. I haven’t really done much else to further his faith or change his lifestyle. What more can I do for him?
Encourge him to ask questions and engage in discussion to address his concerns. If he is really serious, you can suggest that he sign up for an RCIA class, there is no pressure to convert. And of course, you should pray, pray, pray.
About two months ago, my friend, who had always been agnostic at most, came to me with the words, “Convert me to Christianity.” He has already received a Protestant baptism. I told him a good start would be to read the gospels and pray frequently. I haven’t really done much else to further his faith or change his lifestyle. What more can I do for him?
I would not start from the Bible. I would suggest to read:

  1. *]Lives of great Saints like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis Xavier, Mother Theresa, St. Theresa of Avila, John Paul II;
    *]Some autobiographies: Thomas Merton, St. Thomas Moore
    *]Autobiographies of Converts, English speaking ones.
    *]The catechism of the Catholic church
    *]The Vatican II documents: indispensable

    and so on. Ready to help.

About two months ago, my friend, who had always been agnostic at most, came to me with the words, “Convert me to Christianity.” He has already received a Protestant baptism. I told him a good start would be to read the gospels and pray frequently. I haven’t really done much else to further his faith or change his lifestyle. What more can I do for him?
You are Catholic, show him the beauty of the Catholic Church. Take him to Mass with you. Live your life so that He might see how wonderful it is to be a Catholic Christain.

Encourage him to attend RCIA and go with him. Pray as well.

God bless.
I’m a practical kind of person. When he and I hang out, etc, we just talk about normal, random stuff in our lives. Is there any logical and productive segue into a faith conversation? What I’m saying is I don’t know how or when to best bring it up.
Yes; if you want and pray,
invite him and talk about many parts of the truths in life he interested?

God in Heaven will be pleased to see you do that.

God want find lost lamb. Even than

lost one child in forest the impect more than you have another 10 child,

I just remembered in

James 5
19 My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back by another, 20you should know that whoever brings back a sinner from wandering will save the sinner’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

It is as you wish,
I’m a practical kind of person. When he and I hang out, etc, we just talk about normal, random stuff in our lives. Is there any logical and productive segue into a faith conversation? What I’m saying is I don’t know how or when to best bring it up.
Just remind him that he asked you to make him a Christian. Then ask him if he has any questions. You can explain to him that if he truly wants to be Christian, he should specifically look into Catholicism since Catholicism is the fullness of the truth and was instituted by Christ, Himself. After all, if he wants to be a Christian, why not go directly to the faith that’s been tried and true for over 2,000 years, rather than another denomination which has been started only a couple hundred years ago, by man.

That’s a good starting point. Good luck! 🙂
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