Learning about Islam

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The best site that has information about Islam is probably here;


Scroll down and read about what Islam teaches about Jesus; very different from Catholic teaching. Islam is interesting. My question is, what does it teach about what happens to people of other religions besides Islam when they die? Do they believe that Catholics go to Hell?
According to the answers on the site you posted, they believe that all non-muslims go to hell.
I’ve read some things from this site, and it is not making me feel better. A few quotes: one about compromise, and one about jihad. (emphasis added)

It is not the function of Islam to compromise with the concepts of Jahiliyya which are current in the world, or to co-exist in the same land together with a jahili system. This was not the case when it first appeared in the world, nor will it be today or in the future. Jahiliyyah, to whatever period it belongs, is Jahiliyyah; that is, deviation from the worship of One Allah and the way of life prescribed by Allah.

It derives its system and laws and regulations and habits and standards and values from a source other than Allah. On the other hand, Islam is submission to Allah, and its function is to bring people away from Jahiliyyah towards Islam.
Islam cannot accept any mixing with Jahiliyyah. Either Islam will remain, or Jahiliyyah; no half-half situation is possible. Command belongs to Allah, or otherwise to Jahiliyyah; Allah’s Shari’ah will prevail, or else people’s desires: "And if they do not respond to you, then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah?

One more:

By controlling and fighting against ones desires, the Muslims can then also physically exert themselves in the path of Allah. It is this physical or combative jihad which receives so much criticism. Because of the sheer ignorance of this type of jihad Islam is regarded as terror, and Muslims are regarded as terrorists. However, the very purpose of this physical jihad is to raise the word of Allah uppermost. By doing this, it liberates and emancipates all those who are crying out for freedom all over the world. If the likes of the pacifists of this world had their way, then the world would indeed be full of anarchy and mischief. The combative jihad seeks to correct this as Allah says in the Qur’an.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa has some excellent tapes he has done on Islam.
I can’t believe how closed-minded Islam is about other religions! At least Catholicism shows mercy to people raised on different beliefs, not guaranteeing Hell to them. If God was Allah and the Islamic faith were true, people who were raised with other traditions would just go to Hell when they die, simple as that. It’d be an unmerciful, unloving God that would allow such an unjust thing to happen.
Also, read about their views on Jesus. The Koran clearly denies the crucifixion of Christ.
If God was Allah and the Islamic faith were true, people who were raised with other traditions would just go to Hell when they die, simple as that.
On the other hand, there are Christians who believe exactly that about the Christian God.

Christianity does at least though, have a more tolerant view of allowing differing religions civilly. If only we could export the First Amendment to the Middle East…
According to the answers on the site you posted, they believe that all non-muslims go to hell.
When I was a Muslim that was what I was taught. When both my maternal grandparents dies within a week of each other I was told by my then-husband and other Muslims that they were in Hell now.

No one bothered to offer their condolences or console me, but they over and over again said that my grandparents were in Hell. My grandparents were baptised Lutherans and very kind and loving people. It made no sense that God was so cruel to condem two such good people to Hell.

I guess this was one of the many reasons for me to loose faith in Islamic teachings.I have to admit that I was never a good Muslim after Islamic standards, but quite the Cafeteria Muslim.

Our Catholic Christian faith is more including and give hope. Even hope for my Muslim father-in-law who was a devout Muslim who had a very kind and soft heart and never spoke bad about anybody or lift his hand to hurt anybody.

I now have hope that I one day will see my grandparents in Heaven and even a hope of seeing my father-in-law (since he never heard about Jesus as the Son of God).

But Islam teaches that those who died before Muhammad were born or never have heard about Islam can come to Paradise (the Muslim Heaven) if they believed in and worshipped One God.

Islam also teaches that people who die before the age of reason or who are mentally retarded since they never attain reason (according to Islamic teachings) go to Paradise.

The age of reason is set to be the time when a girl gets her first period and a boy have is first wet dream. I’m sorry that I don’t have any links to any sites for this since this is what I was taught by other Muslims. And the Islamic world consists of a great number of different denominations with their own interpretation of the Quran and the Traditions (Hadith). In other words there are many versions of Islam.
Peace be with you all,

Pardon me, friends but this website you mention is positing “Fundamentalist” Islam and does not reflect what is found within the al Qur’an concerning Christains and Jews (Al Kitab i.e. People of the Book). I don’t recommend anyone simply browsing Islamic websites and assuming that they are espousing authentic rulings of al Ulama (Islamic Scholars). If you have interest in knowing more about Islam I highly suggest one, first, speak to one’s Priest and only after approval should one enter into ecumenical dialog with an Imam at your nearest local Masjid (mosque).

Peace, Love and Blessings,
A very good friend of mine is a Muslim and according to him, not every Denomination of Islam teaches everyone is going to Hell. He says it’s just like Christianity in the sense that some people believe if you’re not their denomination/religion, then you’re going striaght to hell. Go figure.
A very good friend of mine is a Muslim and according to him, not every Denomination of Islam teaches everyone is going to Hell. He says it’s just like Christianity in the sense that some people believe if you’re not their denomination/religion, then you’re going striaght to hell. Go figure.
Peace be with you wabrams,

Just of many followers of Christ error in their understanding of Church Doctrine and Scriptural Interpretation so too does many very pious and faithful Muslims. I don’t fault them for their error I fault those who travel no farther on their journey of understanding. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened.

Peace, Love and Blessings,
One of the docs I work for is Muslim. He is from a small sect that is based in India. He is very devout, prays five times a day (if he’s not IN the OR), fasts, tithes (zagat), goes to his Mosque every Friday. He took his son on a hajj (Mecca) and he said it was an incredible experience. He talked about being there with thousands of people, all dressed in white seamless garments so as not to distinguish rich from poor.

The members of the mosque have brought in a number of speakers to try to get the community a better understanding of their faith. This group is extremely family oriented and very charitable. The women are ANYTHING but subjugated. Frankly I think they run everything. Both of his daughters received top educations and one is a college professor, the other was an attorney prior to her death in a car accident. His son is in college and planning to go to med school. They are very serious about education and living good lives.

I think most people think a Muslim is a Muslim but there are many variations and not just Sunni, Shia, Wahabi that we hear about most of the time.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
One of the docs I work for is Muslim. He is from a small sect that is based in India. He is very devout, prays five times a day (if he’s not IN the OR), fasts, tithes (zagat), goes to his Mosque every Friday. He took his son on a hajj (Mecca) and he said it was an incredible experience. He talked about being there with thousands of people, all dressed in white seamless garments so as not to distinguish rich from poor.

The members of the mosque have brought in a number of speakers to try to get the community a better understanding of their faith. This group is extremely family oriented and very charitable. The women are ANYTHING but subjugated. Frankly I think they run everything. Both of his daughters received top educations and one is a college professor, the other was an attorney prior to her death in a car accident. His son is in college and planning to go to med school. They are very serious about education and living good lives.

I think most people think a Muslim is a Muslim but there are many variations and not just Sunni, Shia, Wahabi that we hear about most of the time.

Lisa N
Peace be with you Lisa N,

I pray that I find you well and may Peace and Blessings be upon you. Amen.

Yes, one who has been exposed to Muslims can’t help but recognize their deep commitment to God (Allah) and their virtuous semitic character which often times dwarfs the average American and the average Catholic for that matter. Their manners are so polite and their households are so generous that I cannot discard them from Christ’s Grace. At least the groups that I have had the please to meet.

Peace, Love and Blessings,
When I was a Muslim that was what I was taught. When both my maternal grandparents dies within a week of each other I was told by my then-husband and other Muslims that they were in Hell now.

No one bothered to offer their condolences or console me, but they over and over again said that my grandparents were in Hell. My grandparents were baptised Lutherans and very kind and loving people. It made no sense that God was so cruel to condem two such good people to Hell.

I guess this was one of the many reasons for me to loose faith in Islamic teachings.I have to admit that I was never a good Muslim after Islamic standards, but quite the Cafeteria Muslim.

Our Catholic Christian faith is more including and give hope. Even hope for my Muslim father-in-law who was a devout Muslim who had a very kind and soft heart and never spoke bad about anybody or lift his hand to hurt anybody.

I now have hope that I one day will see my grandparents in Heaven and even a hope of seeing my father-in-law (since he never heard about Jesus as the Son of God).

But Islam teaches that those who died before Muhammad were born or never have heard about Islam can come to Paradise (the Muslim Heaven) if they believed in and worshipped One God.

Islam also teaches that people who die before the age of reason or who are mentally retarded since they never attain reason (according to Islamic teachings) go to Paradise.

The age of reason is set to be the time when a girl gets her first period and a boy have is first wet dream. I’m sorry that I don’t have any links to any sites for this since this is what I was taught by other Muslims. And the Islamic world consists of a great number of different denominations with their own interpretation of the Quran and the Traditions (Hadith). In other words there are many versions of Islam.
Sunniva, I am very sorry that no one comforted you from your grandparents’ deaths. The thought that ‘all non-muslims go to Hell’ is false and rediculous. Since your parents were Lutheran and kind, they’re obviously in Heaven. On the other aspects you’ve mentioned, Islam seems to at least make some sense. Just forget what those Muslim extremists said and look forward to a happy reunion with your grandparents someday!

Thank you for your warm words. I do now as a soon to be Catholic have a genuine hope that I will one day be reunited with my maternal and paternal grandparents in Heaven.
The best site that has information about Islam is probably here;


Scroll down and read about what Islam teaches about Jesus; very different from Catholic teaching. Islam is interesting. My question is, what does it teach about what happens to people of other religions besides Islam when they die? Do they believe that Catholics go to Hell?
I think they believe that all non-muslims go to Hell, but eventually Alah lets them into Heaven.
Why would I want to waste time learning about Islam. It is a false religion, I might as well study the anamist religions of Africa. I am better off learning about my Catholic faith. Too many of us don’t even know what we are supposed to believe.
The reason you might want to learn about Islam is because it could just be something on the side when you want to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world. The reason I want to learn it is not to believe it, but to be aware of other beliefs & cultures. I’ll probably start learning a little bit about other religions too such as Buddhism. And another reason you’d want to learn about Islam is because it is the world’s second most believed religion in the world. I heard that even though Christianity is the most followed faith in the world, Islam is the religion that is getting the most converts.
The reason you might want to learn about Islam is because it could just be something on the side when you want to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world. The reason I want to learn it is not to believe it, but to be aware of other beliefs & cultures. I’ll probably start learning a little bit about other religions too such as Buddhism. And another reason you’d want to learn about Islam is because it is the world’s second most believed religion in the world. I heard that even though Christianity is the most followed faith in the world, Islam is the religion that is getting the most converts.
I am not certain but I think most of those converts are in 3rd world areas where they are ‘put to the sword’ (told to convert or die).
Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think the Koran teaches to do crazy things like that, and to kill non-believers.
What I probably find most false about Islam is its twisted view on Jesus. Here’s a passage from the Koran;

And for their slaying, ‘Verily we have slain the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, an Apostle of God.’ Yet they slew him not, and they crucified him not, but they had only his likeness. And they who differed about him were in doubt concerning him: No sure knowledge they had about him, but God took him up to Himself. And God is Mighty, Wise!

The Koran clearly denies Jesus’s ultimate sacrafice. What do you people think of this? Wasn’t the Koran written about 500 years after the New Testament? How would they know?
You are right. Islam denies that Jesus is either the messiah or the Son of God. It speaks of him only as a prophet, and denies that he was ever crucified.
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