Learning more about my Faith

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I was raised Roman Catholic, however, we weren’t taught anything apart from the pure basics (trinity, birth of Jesus, Heaven = Good and hell = Bad). I am trying to learn more so that I can truly understand my faith and so that I can one day start Evangelising.

Any recommendations you could make in terms of books, movies, websites, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

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There are a lot of sources. Might I suggest joining RCIA the next time it starts up in a parish near you.

In the mean time why not start withe the catechism of the Catholic Church.
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Please speak to your parish priest. He will know what faith formation options are available in your area.
In the US we are blessed to have Formed.org

Your Diocese Office of Faith Formation can tell you what is available in your area!
I suggest RCIA,Steve Ray, the Catechism, Catholic Q&A Answers to the Most Common Questions about Catholicism.
A couple of good places to start would be:

This Is the Faith: A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith by Canon Francis Ripley
The Essential Catholic Survival Guide by Catholic Answers Staff (the same information is available at the home site for this forum).

And then there’s the catechism of the Catholic Church.
Catechism of the Catholic Church-Complete and Updated by Image Book
Start with a good Catholic Bible with commentary. I like the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Catholicism for Dummies. It’s simple and to the point. If you want something at a lighter entry level, the YouCat is a condensed Catechism for young people, though I find it to be good for catechesis for all ages.
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