Leaving Earth would cause a new breed of humans

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Hello everyone!!

I wanted to post this thread because I am a bit fascinated by this topic at the moment. I currently read an article that proclaims that once human beings step into the foreign environment that will be Mars, they or we would begin to change physiologically and eventually our own DNA will change to form a new breed, perhaps a new species entirely. Though I do believe if we change, we as in our descendants would still be humans just no longer Homo sapiens.

I do realize this area that I’m delving into goes into the banned topic of evolution, yet I do believe that this was the best forum in which to put it. If possible, then I hope one can move it into the World News section… since I did see this from a recent article.


So what are your thoughts everyone? Would this somehow contradict the Faith??
I think a Homo Sapien with Mars DNA could well breed with a Homo Sapien that stayed on earth and would prove that they are one species and both human.

We have many differences on the Earth though slight in our DNA already and all are still Homo Sapien. A difference that might cause the ability to interbreed with the people of Earth would be a very different creature indeed and would take a very long period of many multiple generations of Isolation between the two populations and I think we would all then see that indeed the populations are of quite different species.

But that long a period of separated worlds is not in God’s plan; so, it’s just Sci-fi musings.
If the human DNA changed, it would be due to radiation-induced damage.

Mars is incompatible with the human body; should human life ever live there, it can only be by recreating an enclosed environment of the Earthly type.

Some epigenetic changes may register from bodies stretching in the 0.4 gravity of Mars, but this would not per se change the genes, and the “Marsmen” would easily procreate with the Earthlings.

If anybody ever even goes there. IMNAAHO.

I agree with the other two posters that we’d remain homo sapiens, but there would be permanent physiological changes, unless a local environment was set up somehow to allow humans to live in earth like conditions including a similar gravity.

What would happen is that artificial intelligence and robots would advance tremendously. We’d be very dependent on them to survive, navigate our way around the universe, work in hostile environments, monitor equipment and so on.

I have a personal belief that God intends to drive us off the earth. We’ve been developing space travel since the Soviets launched the first satellite into orbit.

I think we’ll learn to teleport, building upon the quantum teleporting experiments thare are being done even now. Rocketry is horse and buggy stuff when it comes to astronomical distances.

Quantum teleporting is instantaneous as I understand it (although classical physics at the speed of light is still required at the moment to check that the result was the expected one) and the original information is destroyed which means a future Adolf Hitler couldn’t send clones of himself and his armies or armed robots all around the universe, which to me indicates God foresaw the need to avoid this sort of scenario, and built in the appropriate safeguard.


Possibly there might be physical restrictions on the number of times a person can teleport - there might be so much error in the process that a person who has been teleported might spend months getting their organs “repaired”.

That’s all conjecture of course, but I think it’s going to happen.
In Genesis and also in the Psalms God said that He gave the earth and all that was in it to man for his use and his stewardship.

God created the “Great lights” (Solar system & outer space) to rule the day and the night, Our moon was created as a way to mark time and seasons-- but unlike the earth, God does not say He “gives” sun, moon, & other planets to man as He does the earth.

Man was created to be curious and learn, and so God does not forbid us to explore space or undersea --so long as we do no harm thereby. There is a certain ethics in all scientific exploration, and we well know that man has no problem being unethical when he really wants something. . . . if space exploration damages human beings – those in space and also those left behind (I’m thinking money spent on rocket travel that would be better spent for the poor on earth) then it is unethical, even if if brings “scientific progress” — as Aguinas reminds us, we cannot do evil that good result from it. 👍
I think a Homo Sapien with Mars DNA could well breed with a Homo Sapien that stayed on earth and would prove that they are one species and both human.

We have many differences on the Earth though slight in our DNA already and all are still Homo Sapien. A difference that might cause the ability to interbreed with the people of Earth would be a very different creature indeed and would take a very long period of many multiple generations of Isolation between the two populations and I think we would all then see that indeed the populations are of quite different species.

But that long a period of separated worlds is not in God’s plan; so, it’s just Sci-fi musings.
Think about this, if the second coming of Jesus does not happen for, lets say at least another 1000 yrs…Im pretty sure in 500 years, our society will look NOTHING like it does today, things then will seem like magic to us in 2015, just like people from the past seeing cars, internet, etc. Mankind will eventually conquer space, give it some time, and humans will be living all over the place, it will be commonplace.

If this goes on for long enough, humans will begin to change, depending on that particular planet they are living on, they will develop traits better suited to their new world, and likely loose others they dont use or need on that planet, but did on earth.

its really just a question of time. If Jesus does not ‘throw a wrench’ into progress, with the second coming, mankind will keep going forward, eventually we will develop methods to reach other galaxies, only a matter of time.

I just wonder how this will effect bible prophecy …the bible never really addressed the possibility of humans progressing to such a level where we could move from the earth to another planet or galaxy, when the bible speaks of things, its speaks in terms of ‘the world, the earth’, like when they say, every person on earth will be effected by this or that, well, how does that change if humans are spread out in the universe?

Satan will eventually rule over the earth, but maybe mankind will find a way to get around him in this way, we just move away from the problem! What would the second coming be like if others were living in other galaxies? this event is said to only effect the earth, so maybe people living elsewhere will not be effected at all?

I love thinking about things like this, its absolutely fascinating to me!
In Genesis and also in the Psalms God said that He gave the earth and all that was in it to man for his use and his stewardship.

God created the “Great lights” (Solar system & outer space) to rule the day and the night, Our moon was created as a way to mark time and seasons-- but unlike the earth, God does not say He “gives” sun, moon, & other planets to man as He does the earth.

Man was created to be curious and learn, and so God does not forbid us to explore space or undersea --so long as we do no harm thereby. There is a certain ethics in all scientific exploration, and we well know that man has no problem being unethical when he really wants something. . . . if space exploration damages human beings – those in space and also those left behind (I’m thinking money spent on rocket travel that would be better spent for the poor on earth) then it is unethical, even if if brings “scientific progress” — as Aguinas reminds us, we cannot do evil that good result from it. 👍
There is a reason why our bodies are incompatible with any other world; God wanted to make sure that only restored humankind would make use of the other worlds.

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