Leaving the Forum - But Thank You

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Well-known member
Pax Christi:

Many of you will know me as the user with the Pope Benedict profile. For no particular reason, I decided to change it.

I have really enjoyed my time on this forum, however, I feel it is time to leave. Recently, I have been unreasonably offended by what others have said about me and my posts. However, I came to realise that I myself was not at all setting a good example. Some of my comments on certain issues I think have been uncalled for and perhaps over the top. Many of you will know what I am talking about. I thought to myself about how hurtful some comments I have made towards certain groups of people have been, and how if I was in the situation of such a person and read the comments I made, then I would be quite put off and offended.

I stand by my belief in the magisterial teachings of the Holy Roman Church. Nonetheless, I feel I have not expressed these teachings in the same way that Christ and His Holy Church would do so.

I have certainly enjoyed some productive conversations on this forum, however, for my own good and for the good of others, it is best for me to leave. I may return in the future, but I feel that I may not. I will certainly come to the forum to look at threads but will not post myself.

Thank you for such a wonderful time.

May God Bless You Abundantly.
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You are young, take a break and return. It is an invaluable exercise learning how to moderate our interactions.

May God be with you.
God’s blessing upon you. I hope you find yourself able to return.
You are young, take a break and return. It is an invaluable exercise learning how to moderate our interactions.
I second what GiftofMercy said.
Take a break from CAF my friend, then decide if you’re really going to leave the forum.
I stand by my belief in the magisterial teachings of the Holy Roman Church.
Many of you will know what I am talking about.
I don’t know, but let me give you this piece of advice:
If you’re looking for a good traditional Catholic forum go to fisheaters, it’s an amazing place.
Some of my comments on certain issues I think have been uncalled for and perhaps over the top. Many of you will know what I am talking about. I thought to myself about how hurtful some comments I have made towards certain groups of people have been, and how if I was in the situation of such a person and read the comments I made, then I would be quite put off and offended.
Sounds to me like you’ve realised you are human - just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes and in these there are sins at times - please don’t retreat - but acknowledge (as you have done) your failures, determine to change your behaviour and be more compassionate and charitable towards others (all of us have to do the same you know), and like others I too hope you’ll stay.

But if you need a break, and just read, then do so, but I would hope you don’t let this experience deter you from participating.

God bless you.
I hope you don’t feel that people have been deliberately unkind. I’m sure your heart is in the right place. Perhaps you’ll take on board some of the advice people have given you here and that will help you with working out who you are and your place in the world. Should you ever come back here, I’m sure we’ll all be interested to hear what you do in the future.
I hope you choose to stay. We all at times say things here and in other places that maybe we shouldn’t or just don’t come out the way we want or get misunderstood. It does seem to happen often on forums.
I also understand sometimes needing a break from CAF. It can be overwhelming on the emotions at times but I sure hope you return.

God bless.
I wonder how many of us have never regretted some post we made, some attitude we took, and for perhaps not properly reading a post before we responded?

As others have said, don’t be too hard on yourself, especially as you been reflecting on how you might grow.

May God bless you, and bless each of us, with the grace and wisdom to continue developing as better human beings, more charitable communicators, wiser, and better informed about God and HIs love and truth.

May God guide you and lead you in all things according to His loving mercy.
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Recently, I have been unreasonably offended by what others have said about me and my posts.
I’m sorry you had a bad experience. Don’t take any of what you were told personally. You’re a great person.
I wish you the best, and I will pray for your vocation. Occasionally a teenager gets on this forum and asks a personal question, you are one of the few who seemed capable of being a good contributor. Perhaps in your youthful enthusiasm, you ruffled a few feathers, but that’s ok. I can certainly understand that an internet forum such as this is not always the best resource for one discerning various vocations. I hope you can find a good spiritual director who can point you in the right direction in looking for the answers to your questions.
God bless.
Thank you all for your kind replies. Anyway, I have decided to take a break for a couple of weeks rather than leave as I have really enjoyed being on the forum (I couldn’t leave permanently as I enjoy interactions with everyone so very much!).

I am very lucky as a young man to be so well-grounded in the faith, and I hope to continue to be able to contribute. I suppose I felt quite confused on this forum as I never thought that Catholics could ever argue with each other. Because of how I do not always get along with non-Catholics, I love being around other Catholics and so I was surprised when people on the forum disagreed with each other, including when people disagreed with me. I was not prepared for this and so I made some hurtful comments towards some people that at times were worse than what people at Church Militant say. I am truly sorry for this, and I know that whenever people on the forum have called me out I have deserved it as I have acted very immaturely at times, especially considering that one minute I was asking sincere questions and then the next I was slagging off groups of people in a way that is the opposite as to how Christ would have acted.

Many of you have been so helpful to me and so very kind. Especially considering my acting as though I am more of a moral authority than the magisterium. I feel as though this forum is almost like a family and I feel so privileged to be a part of it.

Being Catholic does not mean that I am not susceptible to the usual confusion and bad moods that young people suffer from. After all, the Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints.

In a couple of weeks I will be ready to come back to the forum with a open mind and with a desire to imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ. I will come back fresh and ready to be respectful and to become a member who contributes positively to the forum. I look forward to coming back and you can be sure that I will not ask unnecessary questions or be disrespectful.

I will come back regularly in a week or two!

May God Bless you all.
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