Anyone else see this?
I saw the pre order box in EB today. All I could think was “…great.”
Aparently, (from what I remember of the box) is a real time strategy game where you pit the forces of good who become Christians after the rapture against the forces of the anti-christ.
It says things like “Find the forbidden pages of Scripture and read from them!” and “Use the power of prayer to help out your allies!”
Make sure to watch the video of the intro. (leftbehindgames.com/the_games.htm)
It has one of those movie voice over guys saying things like “There are three type of people in the world…those who seek a personal relationship with God…” etc etc.
Comments? Thoughts on this upcoming video game?
I saw the pre order box in EB today. All I could think was “…great.”
Aparently, (from what I remember of the box) is a real time strategy game where you pit the forces of good who become Christians after the rapture against the forces of the anti-christ.
It says things like “Find the forbidden pages of Scripture and read from them!” and “Use the power of prayer to help out your allies!”
Make sure to watch the video of the intro. (leftbehindgames.com/the_games.htm)
It has one of those movie voice over guys saying things like “There are three type of people in the world…those who seek a personal relationship with God…” etc etc.
Comments? Thoughts on this upcoming video game?