“Legal” abortions in the U.S. have run at a rate of c.1.3 million per year over the past 20 years. 26,000,000 children! Studies reveal that c.81% of these children are out of wedlock and 55% caucasian. Extrapolating from these figures it is likely that no more than 12% of those aborted are “legitimate” caucasian children. During the past 2 decades probably about 3,000,000 “legitimate” causanian children have been killed whereas about 23,000,000 others have died. This is one of the greates “cullings” of vulnerable people ever seen in history and if reversed would radically reverse the racial and social make up of the U.S.
Isn’t it remarkable that the left-liberal abortion apologists who claim to be so racially and socially enlightened on other issues connive at this mass killing of non white and “illegitimate” children? It is almost certainly a fact that the United states has legally killed more illegitimate black children than hitler did jews in WW2 and not a peep from the right on campuses. I wonder why.
Isn’t it remarkable that the left-liberal abortion apologists who claim to be so racially and socially enlightened on other issues connive at this mass killing of non white and “illegitimate” children? It is almost certainly a fact that the United states has legally killed more illegitimate black children than hitler did jews in WW2 and not a peep from the right on campuses. I wonder why.