Legion of Christ or "discalced friars of the Jesuit renewal"?

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I don’t know a whole lot about the spirituality of the Legionaries of Christ or the Jesuits, but from what I do know the Jesutis have fallen far from the tree.

I know the Jesuits were once opon a time very serious about scholastic formation and their priests all were strong theologians in the counter reformation. From what I know the Jesuits traditionally had like 10 years of school and produced the best and brightest theologians. They seem to have eaten from the wrong tree lately and seem to only produce discent.

I have noticed that many orders over history have had powerful times and then times when they fell into laxety. Often there is a “reformation” or “revival” that either starts a branched order or “wakes up” the community.

I know that the Legion of Christ has 12-14 years of formation for their priests and they are producing very holy orthodox theologians/priests.

Is the Legion filling the void left by the disodent Jesuits?

I titled this thread because of other renewal orders…

Franciscians → Franciscian Friars of the Renewual
Franciscians → Franciscian Friars of the Eternal Word
Carmelites → Discalced Carmelites

What do others think about the future of the Jesuits?
The Jesuits like almost all orders are a mixed bunch. I have known great ones and poor ones. Many still do try to live the Faith and the foundations of the Order. After attending a Legionaries school, I have one reservation that deals with chronic health and suffering. This is not unique to them as a order and I believe a lot of Catholics in general struggle with this, but I see a pseudo prosperity theology creeping in a times. For being as orthdox and loyal as the Legion of Christ attempts to be, there is a weakness in formation in this area. Thanks and God Bless.
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