I hope I am at the right post for my question. I’m really confused. I was asked several times by our Spiritual Director (Fr.) to join The Legion Of Mary. I finally said Yes and was sure I had the calling. I talked to this good, intelligent priest about some gossip I engaged in with some other members of the church that was not very nice, especially of the church. Went to confession. I have spoken to the Spiritual Director several times and he has enlightened me spiritually. Today, at Mass was the first time I attended since speaking to the priest. My fellow friends, some who are Lectors as I am, did not give me a warm welcome as they usually do, some hug me, some just.say…“great job”. Not this Sunday! Today, I felt the tension and I knew others somehow were aware I spoke to the priest about our gossiping. One of my “friends” was right next to me and would not speak to me and another friend no longer e-mails me since this incident. Perhaps I should not have spoken to priest, but I felt so guilty and my conscience bothered me. I feel very said. I told Fr. I now am not joining the Legion Of Mary. It helps the priests and church tremendously. I only told Fr. what was said between us women gossiping and no one was speaking to me today. I wonder how the word got out about my conversations with me and the priest only. I am a little angry and I let Fr. know it in a kind way and that I’m not joining the Legion of Mary. The gossip is sometimes high in this group in my opinion and I don’t want to be a part of it. I just keep crying. I feel I have let Fr. down again. I am very puzzled how the word got back to my fellow parishioners. If anyone can help or shed some light on this, I would really appreciate it.