Legion Of Mary

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I hope I am at the right post for my question. I’m really confused. I was asked several times by our Spiritual Director (Fr.) to join The Legion Of Mary. I finally said Yes and was sure I had the calling. I talked to this good, intelligent priest about some gossip I engaged in with some other members of the church that was not very nice, especially of the church. Went to confession. I have spoken to the Spiritual Director several times and he has enlightened me spiritually. Today, at Mass was the first time I attended since speaking to the priest. My fellow friends, some who are Lectors as I am, did not give me a warm welcome as they usually do, some hug me, some just.say…“great job”. Not this Sunday! Today, I felt the tension and I knew others somehow were aware I spoke to the priest about our gossiping. One of my “friends” was right next to me and would not speak to me and another friend no longer e-mails me since this incident. Perhaps I should not have spoken to priest, but I felt so guilty and my conscience bothered me. I feel very said. I told Fr. I now am not joining the Legion Of Mary. It helps the priests and church tremendously. I only told Fr. what was said between us women gossiping and no one was speaking to me today. I wonder how the word got out about my conversations with me and the priest only. I am a little angry and I let Fr. know it in a kind way and that I’m not joining the Legion of Mary. The gossip is sometimes high in this group in my opinion and I don’t want to be a part of it. I just keep crying. I feel I have let Fr. down again. I am very puzzled how the word got back to my fellow parishioners. If anyone can help or shed some light on this, I would really appreciate it.
… I was asked several times by our Spiritual Director (Fr.) to join The Legion Of Mary. I finally said Yes and was sure I had the calling…My fellow friends, some who are Lectors as I am, did not give me a warm welcome as they usually do…Today, I felt the tension and I knew others somehow were aware I spoke to the priest about our gossiping. …I told Fr. I now am not joining the Legion Of Mary. It helps the priests and church tremendously…If anyone can help or shed some light on this, I would really appreciate it.
Do you want to become involved in a ministry or reach-out for the social affirmation, or for the sake of building up the Kingdom through your prayers and service?
Dear Quiet52,
Very good what you said! I do what I do for the Lord or as you so well worded it…“to build up the Kingdom of God”. Some of my “friends” or acquaintences at Mass this morning showed such resentment towards me. Fr. and I have been in much contact on certain matters and he has been an excellent listener, given me sound counsel and I heeded his counsel. I sure would like to know who is the source of the talk to have people not even speak to me while standing right next to me. Other members of the church are just great to me and I am to them. This started with a member of the Legion Of Mary, which does not say alot. The Legion Of Mary can only be as good as it’s leaders–from the spirtual director, President, VP, etc. If there is discord at that level, there is discord and disappointment at a lower level, if you will. I believe I may know who the source or sources is and has spread gossip to others and she did to me. I was so naive to both listen and partake in her gossip. I could not eat or sleep for 3 days. I have Type 2 Diabetes and my blood sugar went down to 50 which is a dangerously low number for anyone with Diabetes. I can’t sleep tonight and it is now 5:15 am. I love the church and am very hurt right now. It is also a possibility Fr. has talked to the other person as well who started the gossip . I am equally guilty and take the consequences for my own actions and I am repenting for wrongdoing. I will not take the guilt and responsibility for others. I honestly don’t like small or petty talk and it bothered my conscience so badly I had to speak to the priest. Today was not a good day and I am praying contritely and with a humble heart that the Lord will hear my prayers. Please keep me in your prayers and thank you.
I was in the Legion for a while. Loved it. I only left because I moved out of the area and my new location does not have meeting times I can easily attend.

Here’s the deal. You have witnessed the destructive power of gossip. Of course you recognize this already and feel horrible for it. But please do not let gossip destroy your decision to join the Legion and become a member of Mary’s Army for Christ. It is a wonderful fulfilling organization.

Over come your uncomfortable feelings and move forward. You sound like you can be a valued asset to the group - a strong and devoted member.

As for the gossip- you can always turn your back or tell the perpetrator that you really are not interested in getting involved in the chit chat gossip.
I’m sorry that you are troubled. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring the comfort of the Father and the Mercy of the Son to you.


ps If “friends” treat you like that… they probably were not friends in the first place. Good for you for doing the right thing. Gossip is like a cancer in our society and is way-too acceptable.
Mom was right… "If you don’t have anything nice to say… be quiet!"
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I love the Legion Of Mary too. Love what St. Pio’s said as well. I was so excited and enthused about being an active member and was going to read my entire handbook to familiarize myself with the workings of the Legion of Mary so I could be a true soldier in her army and serve Our Lady well.

I am so upset because of the treatment I received at church yesterday. I can’t be for certain, but the possibility is there, the only one I spoke to about this matter was our Spiritual Director. He truly is a wonderful priest and gave me great counsel which I heeded. I really need to pray about this in my daily Rosary right now. I will not listen to the gossip ever again–it was more than gossip. It was detrimental talk. I mostly listened, but am equally as guilty. I told Fr. I may also step down as being a Lector too. I told him I did not deserve the kind of treatment I received at Mass yesterday and I won’t let people treat me like that. I told him it’s not like it was adultery or a Cardinal sin, God forbid. I really need to pray my anger subsides. I am not ready to be an active member after this – maybe in time. Until then, I will stay as an auxiliary member of the Legion until all this is behind me.
Thank you kindly.
I told Fr. I may also step down as being a Lector too.
I could tell you that if I were in your situation, I might be very upset - I am weak when comes to this kind of situation, but stop doing other thing such as being a Lector will not solve your problem. I believe praying and showing your loving towards them will change their hearts and attitude as much as it will help you grow holy.
I am so upset because of the treatment I received at church yesterday. I can’t be for certain, but the possibility is there,
I could feel that you are upset and I keep you in my prayer and hope that you could be able to offer it up. It is important to remind you that you were not certain about this as I quoted what you said above. While being upset and not certain, you could fall for being judgmental. Therefore, I pray that you will be on guard about this.
I sure would like to know who is the source of the talk to have people not even speak to me while standing right next to me.
It is true that most of the time we all want to find out who talked about us …etc …but pray that you will live for God …and not for the talk of others about ourselves.

God bless…and pray about joining the Legion of Mary.
Thank you so much. You sure enlightened my heart and mind. I will be kind and forgive. I too want to be forgiven for my faults and sins.

I have prayed humbly and with a contrite heart today and will continue be a Lector and I am joining the Legion of Mary.

Hopefully, kindness and a happy heart may help them as well.

I’m all set now.

Thank you.
Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of all Graces, pray for us.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, they will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not, into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

SandyK, I’m glad you’ve prayed so intensely. Encountering God through prayer is so essential in discerning what his will is. I’ve learned (and keep re-learning, very imperfectly) that when I face a difficult and painful situation in my life, God is presenting an opportunity for me to grow somehow – and sometimes he’s using me as a model to help someone else.

Your fellow Legion of Mary members might still be petty and un-Christian – but gird yourself with Christ’s love. Pray for them, and just be Christian. The devil works overtime trying to re-route those in ministry to our Lord and his Church, I think. Also remember that your being part of any ministry is not about your colleagues in service, nor even about you – it’s about Christ and those you’re serving. I love what St. Paul had to say:

“Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-17, NAB)

St. Paul goes on to remind us to keep praying.
This is just great what you wrote. Very inspiring! I’m going to overlook the pettiness and sometimes unchristian ways because, you are absolutely right…“being part of any ministry is not about your colleagues in service, not even about me, it’s about Christ and those you’re serving”. I’m writing this down on a piece of paper as a constant reminder to myself when I hear gossip or anything negative. It will help me. It’s all about the Lord. I can do the work in the Legion of Mary happily if I don’t really care what the other members think or say. I’m not there for them.

Interesting and very powerful words St. Paul had to say.

Thanks again. This is really helpful to me.
Also, I’m praying that the great graces of this Holy Year of St. Paul not be received in vain.
God Bless!
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