First I think I surprised a few of you because some of you feel companies should pay for things but you don’t realize it’s people on the edge who actually own companies.
And Tis_Bearself, people know from the age of about seven that they are going to one day likely be a parent. Yet you will see teenagers earning money with ne’er a thought for the future spending it on things like Nintendo, makeup etc. Of course pregnancies surprise people but they shouldn’t. If you’re a sexually active female, it happens. So girls especially should be saving up for their futures.
When you walk into fast food joints, there are all sorts of youth spending money on Coke and other things. What’s a few bucks on a drink that’s just water and sugar? And so it continues well into middle adulthood. Money wasted instead of people pooling their resources, sharing lawnmowers, saving for their futures.
We North Americans have a culture that is unsustainable. The U.S. is trillions in debt. Doesn’t that scare you just a bit? Who do you think will bear the brunt of that?
From the age of 7?
Just NO.
Little girls dream of
many things, including becoming a sister/nun, jetting off and being a doctor halfway around the world and other things. I know several girls who dreamed of being sisters but it’s looking like they will likely get married.
There is NOTHING wrong with spending on grooming, activities and treats. My brother and his wife choose to live that way and they love it.
I cannot “pool my resources” with my neighbors. What a ridiculous thought. I live in a rural area. A lawnmower that was shared between everyone, if not a onerously expensive industrial model, would likely expire before the year was over.
A fast food meal for my family with coupons is under $10. With that, I can teach my children how to order, behave in public and other important lessons.
And makeup? I don’t wear makeup but I
do need pricer hair and skin care products because I can’t use the stuff they make for the average white person. When it comes to the girls they often need more expensive kid version at that.
Teaching children to simply put away money will turn them into greedy skinflints chasing a dollar. Rather that, myself, and all the successful parents I know, teach children to save a portion, give a portion and spend wisely. The choice to buy lego, playmobil, knex and American girl over barbie and dollar store toys.
should be taught to save, but not “for their futures” at that age. Saving for big ticket toys, games and activities
is appropriate for the 7-13 range.