Lent and the Coronavirus

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My family and I have just begun a county-wide quarantine for three weeks due to the coronavirus. My parents have been buying a lot of food lately, and I know that they are buying too much. We are all Catholics and right now it is the season of Lent. I’m trying to fast more often, but I also don’t want all the food to go to waste. However, every time I eat I feel shame because there are thousands of homeless people in my state who are being even more deprived of food. It’s just that all this extra food buying is making me sick and what I can physically do for other people is very limited right now.
What should I do and how do I cope with this?
How do you know they’re buying too much? What if the quarantine lasts longer than expected?
There have been times when we’ve shopped once a month on a budget and have been able to last. We also have canned food in our storage room for cases like these. It’s just that going to the store everyday seems a bit excessive, especially when it’s lent and others need food as well.
I love your heart!

Perhaps take your worries to God, and offer them up to Him for the poor or the suffering. At least for me, doing so helps me to not feel quite so helpless.
I don’t think you’re thinking as long-term as you should be. If you can’t see the end of the forest, you’re not out of the forest. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m in my thirties, but you know when I think about my family not having food, about that possibility, I like having it available. Your heart is in the right place, but you’re not thinking this through logically, and that’s the problem. Yeah it’s Lent if your parents wouldn’t have gotten all that stuff, you might starve. I don’t think you understand how this is affecting World economics. There might not be any food for them to buy when this is over. This is one of the few times, that overabundance should be justified, for the very reason, we don’t know that it’s overabundance.
But aren’t the homeless in a forest longer? Don’t they depend on the kindness of others and sacrifices that others make in order to survive? If we selfishly over consume we leave those less fortunate even more deprived of basic necessities. How can anyone do that knowing that these disparities exist.
If you’re on a three week quarantine I would assume that most of the food items are non-perishable. If after the quarantine is over, left over non-perishable foods can be donated to a shelter so it doesn’t go to waste. Don’t worry about what your family has in the pantry right now. Things are stressful enough as it is.
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