Lent Is Finally Here! I Am So EXCITED! Stations of the Cross Chaplet

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Lent is my favorite time of the year, but for some reason I am especially excited this year. I have a new Stations of the Cross Chaplet I am going to pray daily along with my Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary. I am going to work hard to try and make this Lenten season one of great pentinence.

God Bless you all and I hope you all go to Ash Wednesday Mass today.
Lent is my favorite time of the year, but for some reason I am especially excited this year. I have a new Stations of the Cross Chaplet I am going to pray daily along with my Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary. I am going to work hard to try and make this Lenten season one of great pentinence.

God Bless you all and I hope you all go to Ash Wednesday Mass today.

:yup: I’ll be doing my rosary devotions and divine mercy daily as well! 🙂

(note, I’ve been waiting for Lent to come up so I can go into confession so I can eat and drink the body and blood, and partake in the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he promises eternal life from this bread of Heaven. And Ash Wednesday!) 😃

I agree - I’ve been looking forward to Lent for a few months. I’m glad it is here.
This is odd…Lent is also my absolute favorite time of the year. It seems so meaningful. Isn’t it odd how a season focused on fasting, waiting, and penance is the favorite season of a sizable proportion of Catholics even in this “materialistic” age? I like the idea that a truly meaningful Lent makes an even more glorious Easter!

God Bless,
EWWW ME TOO!!! Lent is my favorit time of year too!

This is very odd! But I think a big reason I really like Lent is because I just Luvvvvvv Purple!

LOL…😃 …I really want Lent to be a special spiritual time for me this year, and I make a resolve to draw closer to God than I ever have b4!

So, anyway–

Have a Blessed Lent Season,

True, true…granted, when I was younger, I dreaded Lent because it meant I had to do without, and I never really understood or cared why I had to do with out…at the point I am in life now, I fully understand it and I look forward to Lent more than any other time of the year…yes, it is difficult with self imposed abstinence on certain things; yes it is hard to do without some foods we enjoy; yes it is hard to increase prayer and charitable works into a day that is already full enough…it is about sacrafice and pentinence and humbling yourself before the Lord. Christ humbled Himself to share in our humanity and suffered all of our iniquities and infirmities…the least we can do is sacrafice for Him during Lent. I am working extra hard this Lent to give up a lot of things I don’t need in life and try to spend my extra time in prayer, meditation, and reflection…I am being more strict on myself in regards to fasting and abstinence…I am trying to make up for years lost.

God Bless you all and may you all have a wonderful and fulfilling Lenten Season.
This is odd…Lent is also my absolute favorite time of the year. It seems so meaningful. Isn’t it odd how a season focused on fasting, waiting, and penance is the favorite season of a sizable proportion of Catholics even in this “materialistic” age? I like the idea that a truly meaningful Lent makes an even more glorious Easter!

God Bless,
Count me in as another who loves the season of Lent. I have been looking forward to this for a few months also.

Care to share the Stations of the Cross Chaplet? I googled - and found many other great Chaplets but not his one.

I will add all your intentions to mine.

Thanks and God Bless you on this journey to the Resurrection.
Hey Jrabs…nice to see you again. The first link is to the actual prayers said for the Chaplet…the second link is to where you can buy one from the person I bought mine from. I have the one with the black beads…but she also sells one with red beads in the shape of tear/blood drops which is pretty cool…but I bought the black one before she had the red one available…oh well…they are both really awesome. Take care and God Bless

Prayers: ewtn.com/Devotionals/Stations/face.htm

The following links are to where you can buy the Chaplet I got off of ebay…this lady is a wonderful and trustworthy seller. I have done a lot of business with her from everything to Crosses, Saints Medals, to Rosaries and Chaplets…high quality stuff and a great person to work with…she also has a personal shop online I will send you the link as well…Please tell her that I sent you.



Count me in as another who loves the season of Lent. I have been looking forward to this for a few months also.

Care to share the Stations of the Cross Chaplet? I googled - and found many other great Chaplets but not his one.

I will add all your intentions to mine.

Thanks and God Bless you on this journey to the Resurrection.

Here is a picture of the Chaplet I have.
Count me in as another who loves the season of Lent. I have been looking forward to this for a few months also.

Care to share the Stations of the Cross Chaplet? I googled - and found many other great Chaplets but not his one.

I will add all your intentions to mine.

Thanks and God Bless you on this journey to the Resurrection.
I, too, have been looking forward to Lent this year! However, I was so disappointed on Ash Wed. because the little church I have been going to for the last couple months had a different priest and the service was in Spanish!!! I live in a border town, so English masses are the exception more than the rule. I had been attending a very large parish for over 2 years and it got too impersonal so I started going to the one that’s practically in my backyard. They have English mass on Sat. in the winter but no English mass in the summer. Anyway, Ash Wed. noon mass was supposed to be in English, but since there was a “substitute” priest it was in Spanish. It took all the meaning of the service out of it for me (and many other Anglo’s that were there). I guess I’ll be going back to the larger church.
They also sell the Red and also the Black Stations Of The Cross Chaplets on the EWTN website.

I haven’t figured that out really, because there is no explanation for the beads, but most of the prayers for each station is broken down into 3 paragraphs, so what I normally do is pray each paragraph with a corresponding bead.
What prayers do you pray on the beads?

I haven’t figured that out really, because there is no explanation for the beads, but most of the prayers for each station is broken down into 3 paragraphs, so what I normally do is pray each paragraph with a corresponding bead.
On the first bead of each group of three beads, dumspirospero and Mysty101, you say the Our Father, on the second bead, the Hail Mary, and on the third bead, the Glory Be To The Father.

Thanks…I will start doing that now…I really appreciate it.
On the first bead of each group of three beads, dumspirospero and Mysty101, you say the Our Father, on the second bead, the Hail Mary, and on the third bead, the Glory Be To The Father.

The forty days of lent represent the forty years in the desert.

The forty years in the desert was the purification of the Israelites before then entered the Promised Land.

This foreshadows Purgatory and explains why Catholics believe in it.

My favorite time too…

Take the time to explain Lent and Purgatory to your Christian friends.
My little munchkin and I went to Stations of the Cross tonight. It was a little sad though. Only about 20 people were there. Hopefully, it is because it is the first Friday night of Lent and maybe because the public school district has a 4 day weekend this weekend (people probably went out of town). She cannot read yet, but she followed along pretty well. In the booklet they provided there were stained glass pictures of the different staions. She looked at those and amazingly took a lot from them.

I love Lent. So many fond memories and just tremendous blessings that seem to shoot up and bloom, like the flowers of the springtime season that coincides with the Lenten season. The dead of the winter resurrecting into new life of spring.

I grew up in a small farming community here in California. One of my memories as a child were little old Mexican and Phillipino grandmas would start on the concrete corner of the lot and walk on their knees for about 30 yards, then up the steps, then down the aisle, and then, on their knees, bow forward in silence before the tabernacle and pray before Stations. It was amazing! It is certainly not something I would do, and especially not on *my *knees - trying to save on the additional knee surgeries. All I can say is that there was tremendous power in the penance of those women. The peace inside that Church was overwhelming.
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