Lepanto and the upcoming elections

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I think this was the best forum to put this post in, so, here goes! 🙂

This coming election looks very much like Kerry’s coming into office. Kerry, as we all know, calls himself a Catholic, yet believes that killing babies is okay. Well, I was thinking of something, and it had to do with the rosary and what it did for Christians at Lepanto in the middle ages. In October of 1571, the Turks were going out of control and attacking the middle east, going through towards Europe. They killed millions and converted the survivors to Islam. They came and took the Islands of Crete and Cyprus. They gathered and were headed towards Christian lands. This was during the pontificate of Pope Pius V, and he called upon the Christian countries of Europe to round up troops to fight the Turks. Even with all the Christian lands of Europe fighting, they were still greatly outnumbered by the Turks. There was no way that they could defeat them and defend Europe from invasion and conquer. Well, this certain pope, was a Dominican, and he didn’t take on something like this without some help from the Blessed Mother. He called on all of the Christians in the world to pray the rosary for Europe, because, of course, the Pontiff was in Europe, the place where they were attacking! The Christian fleet was on the coast of Greece, in the Gulf of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October, while the Turks were all in ranks, outnumbering them significantly, with the wind blowing them full speed in their direction, nothing could stop them. That same day, all of Europe turned to the blessed mother in the rosary. While the Turks were moving towards the Christians, the wind made a complete 180 degree reverse, that NEVER happens. The Turks were blown back and the Christians were driven out to meet them. At the end of the day, almost all of the Turks were either driven to shore, or drowned. The same thing can happen if we all pray the rosary for the special intention of Kerry not getting into office this fall. Talk to your bishops about having the rosary said in groups for this special intention. If we all pray for it, the blessed mother can obtain it for us.
Check the thread on Fr. Frank Pavone… its about all uniting in saying the Rosary for exactly this reason and it starts tomorrow! You are very right on! The election is exactly 9 weeks away from tomorrow!👍
Corpus Cristi:
This coming election looks very much like Kerry’s coming into office.

The same thing can happen if we all pray the rosary for the special intention of Kerry not getting into office this fall. Talk to your bishops about having the rosary said in groups for this special intention. If we all pray for it, the blessed mother can obtain it for us.
While I totally disagree with your first statement, your last is a good suggestion for all of us. Count me in. And I have 9 Monday hours of adoration before the Tuesday election too.

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