A friend of mine with lesbian SSA had left the Church many years ago and pursued the lesbian lifestyle. She has since returned to the Church - many people praying for her and God gently leading her.
As one of her straight friends I tried to be her Simon of Cyrene helping her carry the cross even though for awhile she didn’t realize it was a cross because the pro-gay beliefs had clouded her judgment on the matter. I think it helped though ultimately that our friendship was also a chance just to share mutual interests like any friendship. It was challenging for both of us at times, too, when the difficult issues arose. Sometimes we had to “agree to disagree” if it got too heated. But the friendship endured.
I think devout straight Catholics need to be more willing to reach out to the chaste SSA person - and even to the one who isn’t yet convinced of the need for chastity, or who is attempting it but struggling. It helped in this case that I was a chaste straight single gal, so I could set an example that chastity is not death as our popular culture would try to have all of us believe.
Finally, avoid the “social worker” trap - remember a friendship is a friendship. We all have issues of some kind or another. Friendship is its own gift so if you befriend someone with SSA don’t make the mistake of being condescending. This can be tricky - and I don’t pretend that I’ve never had to make adjustments in my attitudes along the way. But such a friendship can be ultimately rewarding for both parties. God will give you the grace and wisdom to get through the awkward spots if you pray and ask for it.