Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse! Apparently the Virginia Supreme court took a child from the maternal grandparents and gave him back to the lesbian who killed her partner in a drunk driving accident after an ‘all nighter’ at a gay bar. This child was “bred” like I breed a horse by hiring a man (a felon half brother of Lesbian #1) to have sex with Lesbian #2 (the one killed). Somehow the judge thinks THIS is a better parent than an intact couple who’d raised five kids.
Lisa N
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse! Apparently the Virginia Supreme court took a child from the maternal grandparents and gave him back to the lesbian who killed her partner in a drunk driving accident after an ‘all nighter’ at a gay bar. This child was “bred” like I breed a horse by hiring a man (a felon half brother of Lesbian #1) to have sex with Lesbian #2 (the one killed). Somehow the judge thinks THIS is a better parent than an intact couple who’d raised five kids.
Lisa N