Let’s discuss these contraception issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beaver
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  1. Created abortions on demand.
  2. Created an increase in pornography.
  3. Created an increase in divorces.
  4. Created an increase in incest & rape.
  5. Created an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Created an increase in homosexuality.
  7. Created homosexual agenda of licensing.
Beaver said:
1. Created abortions on demand.
  1. Created an increase in pornography.
  2. Created an increase in divorces.
  3. Created an increase in incest & rape.
  4. Created an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Created an increase in homosexuality.
  6. Created homosexual agenda of licensing.
Sure, why don’t we discuss them on the Moral Theology Board, not the useless, mindless Dibble Board where I like to hang out.
Moved to Moral Theology forum.
Thanks Mr.(Mrs/Miss/Ms.?) Administrator. No need cluttering up Halls of the Trite and Mindless with this heavy stuff.
I think that the general secular acceptance of contraception has done alot to trivialize sexuality within the proper context in which God intended it. Once you remove the inevitable, natural consequence of conception from the equation, you give people the licence for immorality. Sex becomes a pleasurable pastime, rather than a unifying activity within a marriage.

Beaver said:
1. Created abortions on demand.
  1. Created an increase in pornography.
  2. Created an increase in divorces.
  3. Created an increase in incest & rape.
  4. Created an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Created an increase in homosexuality.
  6. Created homosexual agenda of licensing.
Beaver said:
1. Created abortions on demand.
  1. Created an increase in pornography.
  2. Created an increase in divorces.
  3. Created an increase in incest & rape.
  4. Created an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Created an increase in homosexuality.
  6. Created homosexual agenda of licensing.
Satan is clever and we are easily swayed.

You got is, Scott! If contraception would have never come about, you would still have black-market abortions, but they would be far less than today…I think barrier methods would still be used, but they are risky enough that people might think twice about sex.

I had a friend of ours text msg my wife from New Orleans…she said she was a ‘bead whore’. I don’t want to guess what that means…
You got is, Scott! If contraception would have never come about, you would still have black-market abortions, but they would be far less than today…I think barrier methods would still be used, but they are risky enough that people might think twice about sex.

I had a friend of ours text msg my wife from New Orleans…she said she was a ‘bead whore’. I don’t want to guess what that means…
That means that she is willing to trade sex for a string of worthless beads. Marti Gras was originally intended as a celebration in preparation for Lent. It has become a seedbed for immorality. It is Satan on Spring Break.
The gift of our human sexuality is incredible. It is a gift from God whereby two people are joined so completely that they become “one flesh” (Mark 10:8). Through this union they share love so strong that it has been called by the Church a reflection of the unity of the Holy Trinity, in which the love between the Father and Son is so powerful that it begets a third Person, the Holy Spirit. In the same way, the union between spouses through conjugal love is so powerful that it begets children.

When seen in this light, sexuality becomes something sacred, a reflection of the Divine. It becomes instantly obvious that it is something God intended to have great significance. Contraception destroys the sacredness of our sexuality and denies God’s intent. Contraception is an abuse which strips sex of its meaning, blinds us to its splendor, and places the self as the highest form of love–above others, and even above God.
Do you consider homosexuality a form of contraception?
Well, homosexual acts are sterile, as is contraception. Both are a type of faux marital embrace.
The measure of love is sacrifice. Authentic love is helping another to reach heaven.
So you would say that one should not cause someone to sin.
To do so would not reflect love.
Well, homosexual acts are sterile, as is contraception. Both are a type of faux marital embrace.
How do you think this will be reflected in our courts?
Beaver said:
1. Created abortions on demand.
  1. Created an increase in pornography.
  2. Created an increase in divorces.
  3. Created an increase in incest & rape.
  4. Created an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Created an increase in homosexuality.
  6. Created homosexual agenda of licensing.
Where’s the statistics?
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