Let the Fire Fall Charismatic Conference

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Don’t know if this is the forum or not, but since it deals with spirituality, thought it might work.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal of BirminghamAnnual Conference

If you have been looking for a good reason to come visit EWTN and Mother Angelica’s shrine - well this is the perfect reason. Come to Birmingham and a few days early and visit. It is all within 20 to 40 minutes of each other(depending on traffic).

I came to cast fire on the earth; and would that it were already be kindled Luke 12:49

Speakers include:
Bishop David Foley, Bishop Sam Jacobs, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Marilyn Quirk, Fr. Vernon Huguley, Sr. Rita Marie

Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
1728 Oxmoor Road Homewood Al. 35209
Registration $5. - Family $20. Under 12 yrs Free.
Info 205.969.8699
I noticed Fr. Michael Scanlon isn’t involved anymore… at least he’s not mentioned on the fliar at all. That’s kinda depressing, his love for God is amazing.
Pani Rose:
Don’t know if this is the forum or not, but since it deals with spirituality, thought it might work.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal of BirminghamAnnual Conference

If you have been looking for a good reason to come visit EWTN and Mother Angelica’s shrine - well this is the perfect reason. Come to Birmingham and a few days early and visit. It is all within 20 to 40 minutes of each other(depending on traffic).

I came to cast fire on the earth; and would that it were already be kindled Luke 12:49

Speakers include:
Bishop David Foley, Bishop Sam Jacobs, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Marilyn Quirk, Fr. Vernon Huguley, Sr. Rita Marie

Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
1728 Oxmoor Road Homewood Al. 35209
Registration $5. - Family $20. Under 12 yrs Free.
Info 205.969.8699
Pani Rose,
Thanks for the info…I’m really glad to see Fr. Mitch as one of the speakers.
The Last Charismatic Conference I attended was in New Jersey on the Boardwalk and If I remember correctly it was called. “My Grace Is Sufficient” or something like that…that was back in 1975! Thanks again for sharing this. Annunciata:)
Greetings Church!

What better place to post it. Thank you!

I didn’t see a date for this Conference.
It looks awesome.

On the west coast, Labor Day weekend:

33rd Annual SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention


Sept. 3-5, 2004 Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, CA.

Many of your favorite speakers will be there. Far too many for me to list. Fr Groeschel is scheduled pending his recovery. Please remember to pray for him.
All the information on SCRC convention is here:

33rd Annual SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention


Sept. 3-5, 2004 Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, CA.
The Last Charismatic Conference I attended was in New Jersey on the Boardwalk and If I remember correctly it was called. “My Grace Is Sufficient” or something like that…that was back in 1975! Thanks again for sharing this. Annunciata:)
Isn’t it rather interesting that the Conference in ''75 had almost the identical title? Annunciata:)
Hi Annunciata

Oh, I noticed it alright.
You mean, you haven’t noticed anything else since we met here on line? lol
I think we have been talking to each other, Spiritually, from the first few posts.
Now, who do you think is doing the real talking here? Could it be the Holy Spirit, do you think?

Maybe it is the season for you to return to a conference. Maybe God is about ready to have something fresh and new for you.


Hi Annunciata

Oh, I noticed it alright.
You mean, you haven’t noticed anything else since we met here on line? lol
I think we have been talking to each other, Spiritually, from the first few posts.
Now, who do you think is doing the real talking here? Could it be the Holy Spirit, do you think?
Ya think? I know He has something…I’ve been praying very hard to know His will…I want only what He wants…
BTW, I think you’re correct about the talking to each other ’ Spiritually’ though…what a wonderful thing is The Mystical Body of Christ! Much Love In Christ, Annunciata:)
threej_lc threej_lc

Because Fr. Scanlon was not able to come, it is not really a Fire Rally. We will be able to do it in future year, but this year was not possible.

Speaking of Fire Rallies, we are from Steubenville. We were there for the intial Rallies on campus. Things have really changed as it has grown, and they are even better.


I would love to be there, but I am not able to travel that distance. It sounds like a wonderful conference. This is just our forth year for one. So we are growing! With God’s blessing maybe one day we will be like Anaheim.

It is interesting though at the clergy sessions, we always have more Protestant clergy than we do Catholic. The first year Sister Nancy Keller and Fr. Mitch Pakwa were the presenters of those sessions. The Protestant pastors said when they were done, that they had to thow away everything they had learned in seminary. :bounce: So each year now the number attending increases. Interesting :love: I truly love it! I guess it is someplace they can go and get authentic teaching of just what we believe and understand. Also, they used vocabulary they had never heard before. It was a real hit with them and still is, we feed them good too, and get more every year! Some have already converted. So we always try to make them happy and just love them. I guess this is what happens when you are only 2% Catholic in the Bible Belt.

Also, a Baptist minister(single man) here in town would go over to the monastery-EWTN, before the Eucharist, (of course he really didn’t understand what he was doing) and write and study, prepare his sermons there. He thought we were all “pegans.” NOT! But it was the quiestest and most peaceful place he could find to work he said. HE WAS ORDAINED TO THE PRIESTHOOD JUST OVER A YEAR AGO! Guess who went to the seminary where he and Fr. Michael were, and worked with clergy formation a lot? Fr. DeGrandis…totally cool! The Holy Spirit and Fr. DeGrandis are responsible for the CR being here in Birmingham originally, now we have two priest that are trained by him to work the way he works.

Pani Rose :dancing:
Here is something even funnier.
On the weekend, I had pulled out my old copy of Hinds Feet in High Places. It has been years since I read it and came very close to starting it again.
Haven’t thought about that wonderful little book in years, but it had a life changing effect on me, then.

I love that book!

By the way, how are you and your husband doing?

Pani Rose
Here is something even funnier.
On the weekend, I had pulled out my old copy of Hinds Feet in High Places. It has been years since I read it and came very close to starting it again.
Haven’t thought about that wonderful little book in years, but it had a life changing effect on me, then.
Then you read my post on another Thread! Isn’t it something…that book did change my life…it was a real confirmation that He was working on me only that ‘bud’ He planted still hasn’t blossomed…but opening…I love roses!!! Annunciata:) I’m starting to get that Joy…

maybe we should move this conversation over there
Good Morning Church

Pani Rose, I love what you had to say about the Protestant speakers and the converted pastor. WOW!

Do you know, I have never attended a FIRE rally!

Sigh… this year, I won’t be at Anaheim, either. I really looked forward to it. I lost my job as a result of my cancer surgery and am still not employed. I just can’t afford the trip this year.

I have some promising interviews and tests coming up. God is in control.

Other than the job situation, we are blessed.


You are an awesome woman of God. He holds your life in his hands and will meet all your needs according to his riches in glory. Thank you for sharing your faith with us so freely.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on Roberta and her husband, contiue to pour your grace upon them. Most Holy Theotokos pray for them! Pray for all of us who have recourse to you.

I thank God for all of your posts. They are always so positive and up lifting. Your love of Jesus shows though in all you say. Again, thank you. :tiphat:

Pani Rose
Pani Rose:

You are an awesome woman of God. He holds your life in his hands and will meet all your needs according to his riches in glory. Thank you for sharing your faith with us so freely.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on Roberta and her husband, contiue to pour your grace upon them. Most Holy Theotokos pray for them! Pray for all of us who have recourse to you.

I thank God for all of your posts. They are always so positive and up lifting. Your love of Jesus shows though in all you say. Again, thank you. :tiphat:

Pani Rose
She sure is awesome! & you’re no slouch either, Pani Rose!
In His Love, Annunciata:love: p.s. I’m getting the illustated version of Hinds Feet!
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