Lets talk about guardian angels

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So what is known about these beings?
Do people know their guardian angels?
If so what sort of experiences have you had?
Should we be attempting to get to know them?
If so how?
Just wondering
Ms. Cilantro
ms cilantro:
So what is known about these beings?
Do people know their guardian angles?
If so what sort of experiences have you had?
Should we be attempting to get to know them?
If so how?
Just wondering
Ms. Cilantro
There are a lot of angles in talking about angels. 😉 Forgive my humor on that one. You and I evidently share a propensity for switching letters around. Angels is one I do that on the most so it made me smile. 🙂

Yes, the church teaches that we have guardian angels and we even have a feast day for them. October 2nd if my memory serves me correctly. Interesting thread idea. 👍

Thanks for posting it.
:o Spelling Spelling Spelling.
Hard to take my thread seriously with my geometry title.
Ms. Cilantro
Thank goodness for the edit button
For my angle, I ask my guardian angel to keep watch over me and remind me whenever I am straying from God’s will. I think it helps. I have become more likely to think “Wait a minute, do I really want to do that? Isn’t is wrong?” and I believe that my guardian angel is partially responsible for that as I let him remind me.

Another angle (ok, enough of the transpose humor, I tend to transpose words when I type myself angel to angle is one of the not so bad ones I have done in the past.) I play is that I ask my guardian angel to protect me from the evil ones and those serving him (willing or unwilling).

I also pray to other people’s guardian angels (particularly those of family members), asking them to watch over and take care of them.

Sometimes, I think, they can give us that nudge to wake us up when we really need it. Like when we get too lax in our driving and need to be more alert to handle the upcoming situation.
I take my guardian angel pretty serious actually. The first time I saw my angel, (actually it was four angels) I was 8 years old. I was supposedly on my way to my Eternal reward due to illness. While I was supposedly comatose, I remember praying the prayer, there are four angels round my bed etc…then I actually saw them. One on each corner. They said nothing, I began to recover and just remembered their warmth and protection.

Several years ago, I almost had a car accident. This time I did not see my angel but others did. A car came screeching through a stop sign headed for my drivers door and I could do nothing to avoid the accident which was sure to follow. I only had time to say;“Jesus Mercy!” My car zoomed into super sonic speed warp and I stopped it a few hundred feet down the road, shaking like crazy and not a scratch. The other car ended up unscathed but in a yard across from the intersection. A truck driver behind me also witnessed the almost accident. He and the child in the other car were babbling about the huge angel which shoved my car out of the way. I believed them, for it felt surreal and I felt a presence of my angel then too.
I’m sure my Guardian Angel works overtime!! I have a habit of either praying the Rosary, or thinking of whatever concerns I have, while I am driving. There have been times I simply do not remember anything that happened on the road while intransit!!

But, there was one time I was very conscious of my angel helping me. I had been to Martial Arts class. I had worked out for one class, and was thinking seriously of staying for the next class. It was 7.00 pm. If I stayed for the next class, it would be after 8.00 pm by the time I would leave the class.

I was just about to go on the floor, when I “heard” (in my head, definitely not a human being speaking) “GO. NOW.” It was so clear, so imperative, I immediately obeyed.

About 10 minutes later, when I was turning onto a short stretch of highway, I noticed the temperature gauge in the car swoop up into the danger zone. A couple of hundred yards further along the highway there were traffic lights, where I turned and, just around the corner was the gas station / service center I regularly used. When I arrived they were closing up, and had chains across the entrance already. But the attendants were still there, and they helped me - filled up the radiator, and checked that the hoses were ok.

I got home fine, and the next day, found out that the temperature regulator (or whatever) had gone bad.

If I had stayed to train at the late class, the gas station would have been deserted, and I would have been stuck on the side of the road! In those days, I didn’t have a cell phone… It could have been a very dangerous situation.

Thank you, Guardian Angel! 😃
A very fine book about angels is The Angels and Their Mission According to the Fathers of the Church by Jean Danielou. I have a translation by David Heimann.
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