This is very personal,and I wouldn’t type it on a public website unless it really bothered me.I’m an 18 year old female girl who has ptsd, so this might be a reason why I feel this way. A couple of years ago, I was involved in alot of drama especially with two boys. One of them whom I had known for awhile and had been friends with started liking me and I became obsessed with it although he was a flirt and flirted with several girls and I became hurt and tried to move on.I tried to comfort one of his friends who was going through a rough time after being rejected by a girl he liked. It turns out, that his friend liked me too and became a little bit obsessed with me. I found out that after them two, their friends liked me also. This made me very self conscious and nervous.The second boy that liked me said alot of innapropriate(sexual) things about me and I’d hear him talk to his friends about it. This greatly surprise me because it’s a good catholic school and he is a good catholic boy. When we went on summer vacation after school I started obsessing over it and got attacked by evil spirits. I was trying to get close to God and I would pray and go to mass alot.I felt like what he said about me was all my fault and I was responsible for it so I became scrupulous. When we got back to school I could tell he was angry with me and he did his best to keep the first boy away from me so he couldn’t be with me.In that year,they both ignored me for the rest of it although the second boy would occasionally talk to me.I was left alone with nobody except my sister.I was very angry about this because not only did he disrespect me, he ignored me which seemed worse.The problem is, I developed feelings for the second boy and occasionally he’d flirt with me but I ignored it because I felt he was playing games with me. He’s really changed and seems closer to God , the problem is I’m still really hurt because I got abandoned in my sorrow and I’m having a hard time forgiving although it was years ago.He doesn’t know I knew he said those things a,d we are more acquaintances than friends yet I can’t forget about him and always pray for him and go to adoration for him I want to let him go and forgive him,yet I don’t know what the tight decision is , can I have advice?