Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

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Your Nose is Longer than a Telephone Wire
Wesley Smith is upset with this video on regenerative medicine produced by Alliance for Medical Cures. Anyone who has been folllowing the debate on adult stem cells verses embryonic will know they are blowing smoke in our eyes. Wesley posted this today on his blog Secondhand Smoke.
. I intend to write about this at greater length, but among the whoppers foisted in viewers in this propaganda video, we learn that chimpanzees have been “cured” of Parkinson’s using embryonic stem cells (I would have heard of this, if it had been published in a medical journal), that doctors “will be able to cure” quadriplegia and other diseases (not hope to be able to treat effectively), and that embryonic stem cells are better than adult stem cells because they are “less of a problem when it comes to immune rejection,” (which would be hard since in most experimental adult stem cell research the patient’s own adult stem cells are used in the treatment, meaning there is no immune rejection).

This is a shameless scandal that the media should be picking apart…
Next they’ll tell us the research will cure global warming.
What can you expect from people who want to kill people and use them as raw material for medical research. Did you expect Dr. Mengele to honest and forthright about what he was doing?
Wesley Smith held true to his promise to write further on this.

Pathway to Cures goes downhill from there. Seeking to promote human cloning, the video describes somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) as creating a “manufactured egg cell” that will provide “a unique opportunity to grow a patient’s own cells for repairing or replacing his or her diseased cells.”
This is balderdash. SCNT–which is a technique of asexual reproduction, a.k.a., cloning–actually creates a new embryo, not a “manufactured egg cell.” As an article published in the December 27, 2000 Journal of the American Medical Association–written by several bioethicists and biologists who strongly support SCNT research–put it, “CRNT [cell replacement through nuclear transfer] requires the deliberate creation and disaggregation of a human embryo.”…
Read his full article, Science and Spin at:
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