In the recent email I received from the regional pro-life committee, it mentioned that a liberal gay rights advocacy group plans to target religious institutions that might refuse to rent facilities to activities that violate their beliefs. here is the article:
"**Our religious freedom in Ohio is being threatened by a wildfire of cultural censorship. Liberal group Equality Ohio just testified in the statehouse during a hearing on the Ohio Pastors Protection Act (HB-36) and made it clear they plan to go after churches, forcing them to rent church facilities to groups that oppose that church’s beliefs. They’re referring to homosexual ceremonies & events, but it would also mean pro-abortion groups, Planned Parenthood, etc.
Equality Ohio indicated they plan to leave your sanctuary alone (for now) but they openly announced to our legislators that they’re going after church meeting rooms, banquet halls, multi-purpose rooms, gyms, etc. Your church could be sued if you say “No.” Even if you win the case, the legal bill would be expensive.
This common sense piece of legislation is necessary to protect our pastors from being forced to allow their sacred spaces to be used for actions that violate their religious beliefs which are protected under the 1st Amendment. Remember, pastors would not be asking homosexuals to change their lifestyles. What the act does is says that pastors have the right to decide what activities may take place in their church buildings and on their church property.
“Many Ohio faith leaders and parishioners see rapid cultural and legal changes that point to looming threats to the free exercise of religion, despite First Amendment protections,” state Rep. Nino Vitale (R-Urbana) said in submitted testimony last week. “I think the turnout of almost 40 pastors who came to testify on this bill in the last general assembly show they see a real threat. This new bill just makes it clear, in this time of uncertainty, that Ohio clergy and Ohio church property remain protected from these types of legal challenges.”**
This is worrisome especially after the unfortunate court ruling against Barronelle Stutzman. Hopefully with the Trump administration this could be stopped and Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed.
"**Our religious freedom in Ohio is being threatened by a wildfire of cultural censorship. Liberal group Equality Ohio just testified in the statehouse during a hearing on the Ohio Pastors Protection Act (HB-36) and made it clear they plan to go after churches, forcing them to rent church facilities to groups that oppose that church’s beliefs. They’re referring to homosexual ceremonies & events, but it would also mean pro-abortion groups, Planned Parenthood, etc.
Equality Ohio indicated they plan to leave your sanctuary alone (for now) but they openly announced to our legislators that they’re going after church meeting rooms, banquet halls, multi-purpose rooms, gyms, etc. Your church could be sued if you say “No.” Even if you win the case, the legal bill would be expensive.
This common sense piece of legislation is necessary to protect our pastors from being forced to allow their sacred spaces to be used for actions that violate their religious beliefs which are protected under the 1st Amendment. Remember, pastors would not be asking homosexuals to change their lifestyles. What the act does is says that pastors have the right to decide what activities may take place in their church buildings and on their church property.
“Many Ohio faith leaders and parishioners see rapid cultural and legal changes that point to looming threats to the free exercise of religion, despite First Amendment protections,” state Rep. Nino Vitale (R-Urbana) said in submitted testimony last week. “I think the turnout of almost 40 pastors who came to testify on this bill in the last general assembly show they see a real threat. This new bill just makes it clear, in this time of uncertainty, that Ohio clergy and Ohio church property remain protected from these types of legal challenges.”**
This is worrisome especially after the unfortunate court ruling against Barronelle Stutzman. Hopefully with the Trump administration this could be stopped and Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed.