Liberals Target Uganda's HIV-Prevention Efforts

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Liberals Target Uganda’s HIV-Prevention Efforts

by Aaron Atwood, assistant editor Campaign launched to dissuade African nation from its abstinence-first sex education policy, despite irrefutable evidence of its success.

A left-leaning sexual health organization has targeted Uganda’s abstinence-first sex education program for protest, despite overwhelming evidence that the strategy has greatly cut the number of HIV/AIDS infections in the African nation.

Advocates for Youth, as part of a campaign called “My Voice Counts,” is asking its members and supporters to contact key Ugandan health and government officials and urge them to more fully embrace condoms and other forms of birth control.

“There is no evidence that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs work,” the Advocates for Youth Web site states, adding that support must be given to “science-based HIV prevention strategies” rather than “ineffective abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.”

Peter Brandt, senior director of government and public policy at Focus on the Family Action, said the group is flatly misstating reality in order to promote its condoms-first agenda.

“What the studies bear out is that abstinence works every time in preventing the spread of HIV and all other sexually transmitted diseases,” he said. “Condoms aren’t a solution to the problem of young people dying; they’re a politically correct cause for those on the political left.”

Consider the evidence: Uganda once had the highest HIV-infection rates in the world—30 percent in some regions. But through the government’s strong abstinence policy, rates have plummeted—from 21.2 percent among pregnant women in 1991 to 6.1 percent in 2001.

The general population has seen a decline, as well, to around 7 percent. And that number figures to drop further, since studies show a third of Ugandan college students are keeping their abstinence pledges.

The evidence has led Dr. Edward C. Green of the Harvard School of Public Health to state unequivocally that the success of Uganda’s HIV-prevention policy is in its stressing of abstinence until and fidelity within marriage. Condoms are only mentioned as a third option, for those who don’t practice the first two strategies.

“Few in public health circles really believed—or even believe nowadays—that programs promoting abstinence, fidelity or monogamy, or even reduction in number of sexual partners, pay off in significant behavioral change,” Green wrote in a recent analysis of Uganda’s sex-education efforts. “My own view of this changed when I evaluated HIV prevention programs in Uganda and Jamaica.”

Even University of California professor Norman Hearst—a medical doctor who’s studied AIDS among homosexuals in San Francisco and in African populations—has said that Uganda is “the one country . . . that did not rely primarily on condoms” in its sex-education efforts.

“The experts, people like me, I guess, thought they were crazy and, in fact, they were right,” he told Focus on the Family’s Citizen magazine. “Their approach worked better than the mainly condom approach.”

Still, he added, “a lot of the people in the field think this whole thing is some sort of smokescreen for the religious right that’s just trying to stop them from handing out condoms.”

That’s preposterous, Brandt said.

“Abstinence isn’t a smokescreen for anything,” he said. “It’s a strategy that saves lives—and Uganda is irrefutable truth of that.”

Please take a moment to let Jim Muhwezi, Uganda’s minister of health, and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, whose department is responsible for carrying out America’s global AIDS policy, know that only abstinence succeeds every time in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Abstinance is not an anti-HIV policy. It is cheap social policy based on religious dogma. If people fail it becomes thier own fault and as we all know the wages of sin are deth.

People who really care account for failures of will and have a plan B.

This reminds me of the vitican view that all kids must be born and if some are born to poverty, illness and hardship it is not the doctrine that is evil, but the fact good and services (food and health) are not evenly distributed and so is a political issue.

Or the ‘right to life’ brigade who’s concern for the child ends when its born.
Abstinance is not an anti-HIV policy. It is cheap social policy based on religious dogma. If people fail it becomes thier own fault and as we all know the wages of sin are deth.

People who really care account for failures of will and have a plan B.

This reminds me of the vitican view that all kids must be born and if some are born to poverty, illness and hardship it is not the doctrine that is evil, but the fact good and services (food and health) are not evenly distributed and so is a political issue.

Or the ‘right to life’ brigade who’s concern for the child ends when its born.
Don’t let the facts confuse you. Uganda’s abstinence program is the only effedtive program in all of Africa.
Abstinance is not an anti-HIV policy.
Really? So, how many people do you know who practiced abstinence became infected with HIV?
It is cheap social policy based on religious dogma.
Cheap social policy? I agree! Abstinence costs nothing. Now paying for all of those condoms that you want to be distributed - That’s not cheap.
If people fail it becomes thier own fault and as we all know the wages of sin are deth.
So, if people fail it becomes their own fault. But if a condom failed it becomes - the condom’s fault? If the partner using the faulty condom has HIV the result is still “death”. You make it sound like condoms are 100% effective against the spread of HIV. Only abstinence is 100% effective.
The one HIV prevention program in Africa that has the results to prove that it actually has worked–and they’re against it??

Now we see what’s really a priority for the sex-education lobby–not prevention of disease, but the promotion of sex.
Really? So, how many people do you know who practiced abstinence became infected with HIV?
All the children born with HIV spring to mind.


And abstinance only works if you use it 100% of the time. We are human, we know we fail, so we should expect a failure rate (‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’).

So if the failure rate of abstiancne is > 2% condoms are a better solution. If < 2% abstinance is a better solution.

Thus, under scrutiny, your statement needs to be modified.

What is the failure rate of abstinance for people who use no other form of protection?
Cheap social policy? I agree! Abstinence costs nothing. Now paying for all of those condoms that you want to be distributed - That’s not cheap.
Indeed, but without a known faiilure rate the eventual costs are not known.

If 100,000 condoms cost 500 quid to produce and distribute, but stop 1 ‘abstiance failure’ caused infection that costs 10,000 quid a year to treat the ‘abstinace failure’ the cheapness is demonstrably a false economy.

So, quote your failure rate. Without a known failure rate the assertion is worth knowing.

Abstiance is 100% effective ever time it is used, but is it used 100% of the time.

Answers on a 5 quid note to my usual address. A prize will be given for anyone stating the obvious
Only abstinence is 100% effective.
When will people learn to compare like with like.

“When having sex, abstience has a 0 (zero) protective effect. When not having sex, condoms are 100% effective.”
And abstinance only works if you use it 100% of the time.
A monogamous relationship with one’s spouse is also effective.
If 100,000 condoms cost 500 quid to produce and distribute, but stop 1 ‘abstiance failure’ caused infection that costs 10,000 quid a year to treat the ‘abstinace failure’ the cheapness is demonstrably a false economy.
Uganda has not discontinued their strong abstinence policy. Why? Because their abstinence policy works.
Abstiance is 100% effective ever time it is used, but is it used 100% of the time.
Like I said… a monogamous relationship with one’s spouse is also effective.
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