I don’t know specifically about Archbishop Romero but I can tell you that LT is still prevelent in parts of Latin America. I have seen in South America the way LT “secularizes” the Faith and turns it to pure economic terms thus leaving a huge spiritual gap within’ the Catholic Church there. Unfortunately, this gap has been fill by various protestant groups and sects. This new movement away from one church to many is undermining the moral base of these countries and turning all things to moral relativism (such as introduction of sterilization, birth control, and abortion). There is great need for true, holy and zealous Catholics to “re-evangelize” Latin America.
God is good and the tide is turing. I can tell you that during my time in Central America, I met the most holy and dedicated youth I have ever known. St. Paul says, “where sin abounds grace abounds all the more” and no where else is it truer than there. Please remember to pray for the universal Church, especially in Latin America!
God bless you as you grow in faith and love of Christ and His Chruch!