I’m working on a little Libertarian Podcast around the topic of faith. It would be amazing if any of you (even if you are atheist) could record a response to the following questions:
• Who are you? (feel free to plug any projects you are working on)
• What Faith/Religion do you belong? (i.e. Agnostic, Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, etc.)
• Why be libertarian? (Liberty elevator pitch)
(an MP3 or just recording a voice memo on your phone and e-mailing it to: faithandliberty@protonmail.com would be fine)
Once I compile a bunch of sound clips from a diverse group of Libertarians, my goal is to respectfully play a different voicemail at the beginning of each episode. The podcast itself will be from a Catholic Christian perspective.
• Who are you? (feel free to plug any projects you are working on)
• What Faith/Religion do you belong? (i.e. Agnostic, Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, etc.)
• Why be libertarian? (Liberty elevator pitch)
(an MP3 or just recording a voice memo on your phone and e-mailing it to: faithandliberty@protonmail.com would be fine)
Once I compile a bunch of sound clips from a diverse group of Libertarians, my goal is to respectfully play a different voicemail at the beginning of each episode. The podcast itself will be from a Catholic Christian perspective.