Is it very wrong to lie by omission if you think it would be in someone’s best interest? There were two situations in which i was in physical danger, but when directly questioned by my mother I really downplayed both situations. Both events happened while I was away at college, one involved a guy that had been stalking/threatening me for months before I got the police invovled, one involved getting bucked off a gouchy and untrained horse and taking in alot of serious bruising (an inherent risk that I accept willingly due to my equine science major/equine nutrition research career path). She has discovered some copies of police records in my room, and needledd to say she is VERY unhappy with me. I know that lieing under any cimcumstance is wrong, but I needed the chance to prove to myself that I can take care of myself. I know that if I had told her, of either situation, she would have interfered and taken control. Even now she considers keeping me away from my college because that afore mentioned guy will most likely be there also. What do I say to her or do about my lie? Thanks for any advice.