Life Advice/Discussion! ~

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I love learning other people’s perspectives! 😊 cheers

And I believe, as someone who’s still trying to find her way, that I have much to learn from those wiser/older/or just more experienced than me!

So, um, any general life advice for this wayfaring stranger? 😊 If you could, what’s something ya would tell your younger self? What’s somethin’ big you feel life has taught you?
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Hmm, :thinking:Wisdom from my son some years back ,well meant …"You have to learn to get over yourself mum "All my worries seemed like trifles after that 😹
I would reassure my younger self that life might seem very dramatic when you’re young,but it’s so much less so when you’re older …even though you go through some hectic times.
Hormones and lack of life experience seem to make the ups and downs kind of crazy at times when you’re young. When your older those same kind of issues just don’t seem to be such a big deal.
lol, that’s a very good point! Thank you for the wise (name removed by moderator)ut, and sharing those words from your son! ❤️

I got some kind of similar advice when I was talking to a man who had just turned 104 years old, one day, and when I asked him what his secret was, he said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff!!” 😊
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At a young age, I tended to be inside my own head much of the time. Fretting about what this person really meant or what that person thinks of me. The older I get, the more I realize how much wasted mental energy that was.

Learn things now, while your brain is young, pick up knitting or a foreign language, learn sign language (my parents taught me to at least finger spell).

Learn to cook from scratch. Buy few quality items over lots of low quality things.

Moisturize your skin.

Always, always, put Christ first.
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I would tell my younger self it gets SO MUCH better. I would also tell myself you have to be a friend to make a friend. Strike up conversations. Invite people places. Be the person you wish had reached out and included you for others.
If you could, what’s something ya would tell your younger self?
You do not have to accept every offer for a date, nor do you owe anyone an explanation when you decline.

Wear sunscreen daily. If there is enough natural light to allow you to see unaided by artificial light, there are enough UVA rays present to damage your skin. Windows do not filter UV rays, so you should wear sunscreen even if you intend to remain indoors from sunrise to sunset.

You don’t have to marry a man just because he asked you to.

Learn to cook from scratch. Start young and up your game regularly by preparing recipes that are more challenging than those in your usual routine.

Learn to correctly and effectively treat a wide variety of stains on textiles. This will prolong the life of your clothing/bed linen/bath linen and save you money in the long run.

If you own anything made out of leather, clean, nourish and polish it regularly to keep it looking good.

Don’t color treat your hair. It becomes a costly never-ending cycle that’s difficult to get out of.

Invest in well-made shoes and quality socks. Feet are important.

After a job interview, send your interviewer a handwritten thank-you note. In this digital age, a pen-and-paper expression of gratitude helps you to stand out from the crowd.
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