Life Chain! Anyone participating?

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I’m on my way to the Life Chan demonstration and I was wondering if anyone here is going? I’m from Canada and this is my first. I don’t know what to expect, but I have to do something to help this cause. The least I can do is show up and pray. Just curious if anyone at the forums are going.

God Bless
My family participated in the life chain event in our county today too! It was beautiful, and we felt so good afterwards. Unfortunately, the media didn’t notice. Not one local television station covered the event. I just watched the local news which was dominated by a local Kerry rally where the pro-deather gave a speech and a bus load of actors showed up to make sure as many pro-deathers as possible were signed up to vote. :crying: Now, anyone want to claim that there is no media bias? A mile of people praying and holding pro-life signs got absolutely ignored!! I am so discouraged. 😦

Don’t loose heart. God noticed! :tiphat:

Anyone know about an event happening in Wash. DC on the 11th? I heard about it on the radio, but didn’t get the details.

Well, I guess the replies answer my question, not many.
I’m so glad I went and I’ll go again. It was a very moving experience to see all these people out there voicing their views on abortion. Quietly with banners, no talking. There were a lot of people but should have been a lot more, we definetly made an impression. I don’t know if anyone has ever been on Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls Canada, but it is one of the busiest streets in Ontario and I might add full of tourists. I expected a lot of booing and such but there wasn’t much. Mostly cars honking in approval, it felt good. There were a few disgruntled people, like the man who gave us the finger but I just smiled, this was a silent protest so no one was reacting. There was this one young girl I would say in her early twenties who was not happy, she just kept shaking her head and gave the thumbs down. I’ve been thinking about her and I wish I could talk to her and show her a few pictures. I was amazed how quiet everyone was, no one was talking at all just focused on their mission. Hopefully we reached a few people. I was surprised that there were no pro choice banners seeing as this is a world wide publicized crusade. I think Mary was with us yesterday and blessed us all for our attempts. We have to keep trying, we have to do something for these poor little human beings.

God Bless You All
Joanne 👍
I am a fellow life-chainer…my mom and I participated in the Life Chain in Livonia, Michigan (Metro-Detroit). I am glad we did…we got a lot of honks of approval also and a handful of angry middle fingers…one mother who was reaching across her teenage daughter in the passenger seat to show her dissapproval…it truly broke my heart. However, there were many people participating and it felt great to be standing up and praying silently for Pro-Life! Even if we got through to even one woman considering abortion…it was worth it 🙂
I participaed on Sunday for the first time. Most car horns honked. I could have gone two hours.

go with God!
I participated in the life Chain this Sunday for the 1st time after the “call to Holiness” conference is Sterling Hts. MI. I was great. We had about 25 young nuns with us in full habits-that’s not something you see everyday.People were honking, giving us the thumbs up and yelling God Bless you out the window. I can’t wait to do it again.
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