Life in the womb

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… this is a link to the BBC news website, which offers pictures made from a new type of ultrasound:

Stunning family snapshots of our smallest brothers and sisters… here in Norway (a country of 4.5 million), 13000 of them are being fed to our contemporary Moloch every year.
Oh my goodness! What wonderful technology! This surely will help the prolife cause…

Hail Mary, Full of Grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen!
Oh my goodness! What wonderful technology! This surely will help the prolife cause…
I thought that too until I saw this…

“Maybe in the future it will help us understand and diagnose genetic disease, maybe even conditions like cerebral palsy which puzzles the medical profession as to why it occurs.”

That could be “code” for the encouraged use of abortion to “weed” out those babies deemed imperfect. God help this to be a tool to saved your precious little ones!!! :gopray2:
The site shows what we all knew already, that the fetus is life at conception whether pro-abortioners agree or not.:yup: It makes me sick to think that they believe this is their choice!:eek: And yes, Jennifer123, you may be right, these murderers will use this to pick and choose. We must pray, pray and then pray some more.

I thought that too until I saw this…

“Maybe in the future it will help us understand and diagnose genetic disease, maybe even conditions like cerebral palsy which puzzles the medical profession as to why it occurs.”

That could be “code” for the encouraged use of abortion to “weed” out those babies deemed imperfect. God help this to be a tool to saved your precious little ones!!! :gopray2:
I have a daughter with Down Syndrome. While meeting with a genetics counselor, I was surprised to hear that between 70-80% of all women who find out they might be carrying a child with down’s terminate the pregnancy. Many of them do this after hearing that their AFP test came back showing they were at an increased risk for having a child with down’s. The AFP test has a 60% false positive possibility. They make this choice without undergoing any further testing which might show the test to be wrong. I think this new way of looking at the unborn can help to save more lives.
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