Hey people of CAF! I new here and this is one of my first posts. For a while now, I have been seriously discerning a call to the priesthood. I started college this past fall and was doing pre-med, but am currently on a medical leave of absence for the spring semester. I am torn between what to do this coming fall: go back to school where I was going and continue on the pre-med route or pursue the route of the priesthood. If I was to go the priesthood route, I do not know if I would go the diocesan or religious order route. Currently, my home diocese is a train-wreck and, like many discoces in America, is in desperate need of priests. Our diocese has about a dozen priests retire every year and barely one be ordained. I feel that the Lord has closed some doors in my life with my medical issues and what not and that some of the doors still open the widest are the ones to the priesthood. I want to help people and feel and know I could do this by being either a priest or a doctor. I do feel I could have more of a positive impact if I were I priest though, and I feel my diocese desperately needs good and holy priests. I am just looking for some advice, comments, or thoughts on my own thought process and decision making. If you need any more information or specifics about my situation I would be happy to share. Thanks!