I’ve been reading John Zerzan’s work on the origin and meaning of language. I’m struck by his contention that humanity existed for billions of years without language, and that the appearance of language (along with number and the concept of time) is the source of much unhappiness.
And thinking about it- a lot of human troubles depend upon language- like wars are fought about whether a piece of land is ‘called’ Israel or Palestine, or whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, or just the Father. Without language, such conflicts are impossible to imagine. Of course, the could still be some conflicts without language- but only simply and localized ones, like- who gets this piece of fruit, or who lives in this cave, etc.
On a personal level, it seems a lot of problems that plague individuals arise from language- like worries “Are they criticizing me behind my back?”, “Am I successful?”, or (my own favorite), “Is life, in its totality, futile?”. Without language, the concept of ‘life in its totality’ and ‘futility’ don’t even seem functional as ideas.
As a thought experiment, I tried not having any verbally formulated thoughts for an a few hours, not listening to music or media with words, and not talking to anyone for a few hours- to create a ‘language-free’ zone. It strikes me as quite liberating- although my initial reaction was boredom- to want to read, or something, to re-immerse myself in language- exactly like I was a cigarette addict trying to stop. But, perhaps, if carried on for long enough, such an experiment would lead to an ‘immediate’ grasp of reality, and a clarification of what are ‘real issues’ as opposed to mere verbal chimerae.
Without language, the totality of suffering would be hunger, physical pain, and separation from loved ones. Lying and manipulation would be impossible. Anxiety over issues which are imaginary or socially constructed, would be extinct. Domination of others (except by immediate, localized force) would be impossible.
Would life be better without language?
And thinking about it- a lot of human troubles depend upon language- like wars are fought about whether a piece of land is ‘called’ Israel or Palestine, or whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, or just the Father. Without language, such conflicts are impossible to imagine. Of course, the could still be some conflicts without language- but only simply and localized ones, like- who gets this piece of fruit, or who lives in this cave, etc.
On a personal level, it seems a lot of problems that plague individuals arise from language- like worries “Are they criticizing me behind my back?”, “Am I successful?”, or (my own favorite), “Is life, in its totality, futile?”. Without language, the concept of ‘life in its totality’ and ‘futility’ don’t even seem functional as ideas.
As a thought experiment, I tried not having any verbally formulated thoughts for an a few hours, not listening to music or media with words, and not talking to anyone for a few hours- to create a ‘language-free’ zone. It strikes me as quite liberating- although my initial reaction was boredom- to want to read, or something, to re-immerse myself in language- exactly like I was a cigarette addict trying to stop. But, perhaps, if carried on for long enough, such an experiment would lead to an ‘immediate’ grasp of reality, and a clarification of what are ‘real issues’ as opposed to mere verbal chimerae.
Without language, the totality of suffering would be hunger, physical pain, and separation from loved ones. Lying and manipulation would be impossible. Anxiety over issues which are imaginary or socially constructed, would be extinct. Domination of others (except by immediate, localized force) would be impossible.
Would life be better without language?