Hey! So if you’ve read St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion,” and/or St. Alphonsus Liguori’s “The Glories of Mary,” what do you think the strengths and weaknesses of each saint’s approach to Marian doctrine is? Personally I couldn’t manage to get past paragraph 50 of TD, but I’m already 70 pages into TGoM and really like how Liguori reasons through stuff. I think it has to do with having Asperger’s because while Montfort would draw conclusions with little to no sources (allowing different points to be questioned to death), Liguori puts all of his sources (even some for the same things that Montfort left sourceless). That’s not meant to bash St. Louis though- I just prefer the thoroughness with which St. Alphonsus wrote and have added four more of his books to my cart on Amazon. What are y’all’s thoughts?