Likelihood of alien people vs. the existence of God

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Hi there.
I got an argument today that the (conspiracy) theory of reptilian people among us (David Icke et. al) is just as good as any argument for existence of God.

How could I counter such an argument? I could say that there are good philosophical arguments for a God (cosmological argument etc.). But are there logical fallacies in the reptilian theory? I guess it is just a claim, that can not be falsified?

Thanks for any help 🙂
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It’s a claim that cannot be falsified. There is nothing inherent in it which precludes it as a possibility, and also nothing that requires it to be true. People who believe it will keep believing it, there’s not much you can do.

I’ve heard a number of people talk about conspiracy theories, I find them rather entertaining, and the best explanation I’ve found for them is that people use them to establish a sense of control. I know that sounds paradoxical, since they usually involve a sinister cabal controlling things from the shadows, but the point is that in these people’s minds someone is in control, and that’s what’s important.

As for it being as good as an argument for God, that is just patently false. There are a number of philosophical proofs for God, whereas there are no philosophical (or scientific, or even observational) proofs for lizard people. People who buy into this sort of thing are usually doing as a replacement for God. They don’t believe on God being in control, but also cannot accept the nihilistic principle that everything is truly random and meaningless, so they latch on to these conspiracy theories to create a sense of grounding and control to try to do away with the fear that accompanies meaningless-ness.

A lot of them also just have psychological problems…
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Thanks for any help 🙂
God’s existence can be proven through rational arguments. Lizard people cannot be proven through any argument. It’s a joke to even compare the two.

Now, the last thing we need is an intergalactic war, so be careful about what you say next.
God’s existence can be proven through rational arguments. Lizard people cannot be proven through any argument. It’s a joke to even compare the two.

Now, the last thing we need is an intergalactic war, so be careful about what you say next.
I don’t see how God can be proven through a “rational” argument, at least, not in any way that can universally satisfy everyone. In that sense, the argument for lizard people is synonymous.

There is some precedent for the idea that lizard people exist. In ancient literatures they are often referred to as the “Nagas.” You can dismiss this as myth and fable, but I’m not too sure Adam and Eve or Moses were not mythological either.

Keep an open mind on all sides is my advice.
I don’t doubt the existence of extraterrestrial life, although I’m very skeptical that lizard people control the world. It’s also not comprable to the philosophical question of God’s existence. The existence of God is Not based on empirical data, the existence of lizard people would have to be.
Thanks for any help 🙂
Now, the last thing we need is an intergalactic war, so be careful about what you say next.
I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords.
Nobody has ever died for defending the reptilian theory while millions have died from persecutions for having faith in one God.
There is a whole series on the History channel I believe, Ancient Aliens.

Not specifically about reptilian but aliens non the less.

If you want to look at it with an open mind. god, being an alien species would explain a lot of the mysteries in the Bible. Burning bushes, voices from the heavens, miracle, pregnancies at a very late age, or without having relations, raising people from the dead.

If there is an alien race that had the technology to come to our planet and we still don’t have the technology to detect them. It would seem very miraculous to the people of the time.

I do not subscribe to the theory. I don’t believe God is another species.
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