Limiting scandal

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How far do I have to go to avoid not giving a scandalous example to people? Some say with things like alcohol to not even drink at all in public in case someone who struggles with drunkenness might see. Or someone might lust after someones clothing so we criticize people for wearing anything that might be attractive.

There are many on the internet who are being very critical of all things that aren’t “proper” but many of the things they call out sound more like pious judgments than people trying to correct one another out of love.
We want to avoid over thinking here, but I feel like I over think things at times!
I think a priest would be better able to answer this but I don’t see why we had better never drink in public just because someone with a drinking problem might see. Should we avoid eating in public in case someone with a food addiction sees us? How far do we go with this? And criticizing how everyone around you is dressed seems petty and catty and not very charitable. Examples of giving scandal that come to mind are: a married person meeting someone of the opposite sex for lunch or dinner…you know…giving the illusion of sin. ? Maybe?
I encourage you to utilize common sense and logic. People who drink in public view are not in a state of sin and fr they are doing so responsibly. People who dress modestly but tastefully and are fashion forward are not on a state Sin because of scandal.
So I thought I was fairly well grounded on what is good or bad but fpr example i bought my fiance some 5.11 yoga pants to wear as leggings with nice shirts or blouses because they are warm and comfortable for her and they look good on her but people have mentioned that skin tight clothing is sinful even when she isn’t wearing it in a way to provoke lust, they look more like leggings than anything else. But it seems that people think that it is immodest no matter what pairing it is with.

And if I like a particular outfit because it makes her body look good, it isn’t clear that it is lustful to like it.
I wouldn’t buy yoga pants for my wife to wear out of the house. She also wouldn’t wear them out of the house. That’s us.
Then again I have always wondered at the bravery or fashion knowledge of men who Can confidently purchase form fitting outfits for their wives. Mine owns a gun and it isn’t worth the risk.
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And if I like a particular outfit because it makes her body look good, it isn’t clear that it is lustful to like it.
So I guess the real question is would I or others like her outfit “because it makes her body look good?”
I think if the shirt is tunic length then it’s ok to wear leggings, but I have seen some women wearing leggings with waist-length shirts and to me they look half-dressed.

I don’t think tight necessarily means lust-provoking; I just think women should not look like they forgot to put on some of their clothes!

Some of the modesty monitors go too far overboard, imho. They seem to want everyone to wear winter outfits from Little House on the Prairie.
Sorry to return your question with a question but would the opposite be good if I or other people thought it made her look fat?

Now please do not misunderstand my point to mean It is in no manner to reveal anything in her private areas. In the context of worn with a long shirt or a jacket it looks really nice and it is very comfortable and warm. She also has her License to Carry and the yoga pants she has are designed to help with concealed carry so I am in the exact same boat.

But yes they do make her look pretty and having clothes that look good for her figure isn’t inherently a lust magnet when worn properly.
Why don’t you let her wear what she wishes? Your position is one I cannot relate to and it sounds a little odd to me.
i bought my fiance some 5.11 yoga pants to wear as leggings with nice shirts or blouses because they are warm and comfortable for her and they look good on her but people have mentioned that skin tight clothing is sinful even when she isn’t wearing it in a way to provoke lust
What people? People on the Internet?

If you and your fiancee both think that she looks good and looks decent (since presumably her long tunic or shirt covers her posterior) then why do you care what “other people” think?
Most of us are able to get dressed in the morning without needing to take an Internet poll on our outfit.

I myself mostly wear baggy knit trousers (in winter), baggy cotton knee shorts or cotton India-type trousers (in summer), baggy t-shirts (year round) and baggy hoodies (when it’s cold), and “people on the Internet” still complain because
  • they think women shouldn’t wear trousers at all or
  • they think women shouldn’t wear shorts at all, even baggy knee-length ones or
  • they think people shouldn’t wear t-shirts with any graphics on them even if the graphics aren’t blasphemous or otherwise indecent or
  • they think women shouldn’t wear baggy clothes because they look too “frumpy”.
To which I say, Who cares? My clothing is socially acceptable in my area for where I wear it, it’s what I like to wear because it’s comfortable, and no one else has the right to go around policing my clothing unless maybe I wore something to work that was against the office dress code - which doesn’t apply for almost a year now as our office isn’t even open due to COVID and we all work from home.

You need to stop paying attention to people’s opinions and use common sense and good judgment.
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I do let her wear what she wants, she likes wearing leggings and that’s why I bought her more.
i bought my fiance some 5.11 yoga pants to wear as leggings with nice shirts or blouses because they are warm and comfortable for her and they look good on her but people have mentioned that skin tight clothing is sinful even when she isn’t wearing it in a way to provoke lust
You need to stop paying attention to people’s opinions and use common sense and good judgment.
Better yet, I think the wife is capable of informing her conscience and educating herself on how to dress tastefully and morally modest. I can’t imagine polling the internet on my wife’s choices for dress. That’s on her!
There’s no concrete formula for the answer. Be an adult and use practical wisdom rooted in Christian love.
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The question is IF you were in her shoes, would U wear that outfit? If yes, then why? Would it please U or her? I, as a Christian wouldn’t wear any clothes that would cause a scandal… YES a scandal, b/c we are in the world, but saved FROM it, show temperance and modesty in dress or clothing, for GOODNESS sake, for the glory praise and honour to Him who saved us!
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