I am a poor Catholic and not a superlative human being, either, so I do question my judgement in every area on a regular basis. Therefore, I have come to all of you with a dilemma. I have been helping a grandmother and her grandchild for several months now with basic needs such as food and medicine. But I am stretched very thin myself financially now and am facing the prospect of continuing in my higher education or taking that money, giving it to them instead and dropping out of school. The rub is that I will probably also wind up needing to augment my own mother’s small retirement funds soon and what I make when I am finished with school will probably partly have to go in that direction. I know that the grandmother and grandchild will be in hardship if I don’t help them anymore and yet I do not know what will become of my own mother if I do not work to finish my education and help her. Insights would be appreciated.