I’m not sure if I am being selfish or unsaintly in this situation. I have a friend who recently got back in touch and asked me to be godmother to her newborn son which I accepted. Since then she has invited me to her house several times over the year and each time her middle son who has a disability has been there. On each occasion I have simply helped her take care of her middle son and/or her newborn or been with her older son while she saw to the other children and served us all food. I have never had a chance to talk to or spend time with her as the children, most notably the disabled son needed total adult attention. I like her children and being able to help but feel used and that this isn’t quite right in friendship. When I asked if we could meet just the two of us - she said she and her husband didn’t have the time for that and didn’t contact me again - seemingly offended. I can see she is finding it hard to cope despite extended family support but I’m annoyed too. Am I selfish for insisting on chatting to her while someone else takes care of her disabled son? What would a saint do???
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