Livestream mass - required?

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Hi, masses have been cancelled here since March, due to Covid-19. I didn’t realize that there were livestream masses available during this time. I wasn’t participating/watching any live stream masses on Sunday’s since the church has closed. Was it required? Would I need to confess this in my next confession? Also, looks like church is still closed for Easter as well. I ng to watch mass livestream tomorrow (Easter Sunday) with my family. We have it recorded. Would i need to watch it at the time it is live stream or can I watch it any time? Sorry if the question is dumb. Happy Easter! Hope everyone stays safe!
I haven’t been doing so, either. It’s not a requirement, only the most obvious way to obey the commandment to observe the Lord’s Day. If you are not watching a live-streamed Mass, you do need to find some other way to do so, however.
No. Since parishes are closed the obligation to attend (even virtually) is not required. It is really a pious act to watch a streamed mass since it does not impart graces the same way as actually attending mass.
Was it required? Would I need to confess this in my next confession?
See what form of dispensation of the obligation to attend mass was given by your bishop and comply going forward.

You cannot sin by being innocently ignorant.
Would i need to watch it at the time it is live stream or can I watch it any time?
You could watch it any time you please, any day of the week or season of the year. Even watching a live-stream Mass in real time is purely a private devotion, and does not fulfill one’s Sunday obligation.

Since it is a private devotion, it is your choice weather to watch live-stream or recorded Masses or not. There is no obligation, so therefore no sin at all if one does not watch.

FWIW, I personally do not get anything out of watching such Masses, and just don’t bother watching them. They do not provide for me any of the spiritual benefits of attending Mass in person.

I’m dealing with the shutdown by reciting all of the Psalms once a week, and reading one Gospel a week. There is also a Polish Lenten devotion that I say in private called Gorzkie żale (The Bitter Lamentations).

None of that is intended as a “substitute” for Mass, and none of it can fulfill my Sunday obligation, which doesn’t exist at this time, anyway.
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