My husband is at the end of his rope. The Culture of Death is everywhere where we are, and it is really getting to him. His university classes are focusing on things like man’s inhumanity to man and suffering in war, and since this is a public school, not being seen with any sort of Redemptive Suffering, hope, or faith. He’s not sleeping well, has no desire to go to class, and looks beaten down. He is very firm in his faith, and is currently looking into joining a lay third order–doing research on that is one of the few things helping him to get through the day. We’re praying for the opportunity to move to a Culture of Life university in the spring, but right now I’m not sure if dh can last that long.
Other than continuing to pray, anyone have any ideas on how to survive living in a Culture of Death?
Other than continuing to pray, anyone have any ideas on how to survive living in a Culture of Death?