Living our Faith

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A group meets in our parish a couple of times a month to discuss the new USCCB Catechism for American Catholics. Great dficussion material, BTW. Anyhow, tonight’s discussion segued into a disucssion of how to speak about one’s faith in a work environment where co-workers are not only not Catholic, but from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. And to add to the strain, the workplace is the Bureau of Workers Compensation, where so many people are trying to get over on the system from the outside, that the workers are jaded from seeing so much dishonesty contrasted with so much beaurocratic hindrance for those who are legitimately in need. I found this discussion fascinating and not easily relegated to simple solutions. Another comment concerned being put down in the workplace for being prolife - vilified as a religious fanatic or fundamentalist, when really the person considers himself a Dorothy Day Catholic with a pro-life conscience. How can we work with these situations for the glory of God? Thanks and stay well, S.
I find it interesting and telling that no one cared to answer the question I posed two days ago. Evangelization is hard, and Jesus prophsied that we would suffer for it, but I thought there would be some encouragement and even good ideas from people who read this. Hmmm. Food for thought. Stay well, S.
well I never so your thread and did not respond because I honestly don’t know. I also worked in a toxic public agency for several years and don’t know how well I did maintaining my own Christian witness at that time. (can’t say the name of the employer but their employees are known for occasional going berserk and inflicting violence on others). I was a minority on many levels, race, ethnicity, gender, and religious affliliation in a room with 100 other workers.

The only good thing was that personal discussions of differences and beliefs was virtually impossible since no conversation not work related was allowed, and violators could be and were punished. Socializing was done entirely on break time and outside work. The challenge there was simply retaining civility and courtesy in relentless sweatshop conditions. A kind word and a smile, allowing someone else to use your (rationed) time at the restroom, helping someone clean up a mess, the very simple things showed one’s character, and meant so much.
It is truly said that all we can do sometimes is strive to be a good Christian witness of kindness and acceptance. Wasn’t it St. Francis of Assisi who said “Preach always, and if necessary, use words.” Maybe we can all learn to preach through our actions. S.
It is truly said that all we can do sometimes is strive to be a good Christian witness of kindness and acceptance. Wasn’t it St. Francis of Assisi who said “Preach always, and if necessary, use words.” Maybe we can all learn to preach through our actions. S.
I think you hit the nail on the head. I have worked for a public agency with different nationalities and religious beliefs, and that quote from St. Francis is perfect. You as a Catholic have to do your job without slacking off, don’t engage in passing on rumors and talking about others behind their back. Be nice to people even if you don’t like then too much. By this example and by casual conversation, they will find out that you are a Christian, and that is the best way to witness to someone.
It is truly said that all we can do sometimes is strive to be a good Christian witness of kindness and acceptance. Wasn’t it St. Francis of Assisi who said “Preach always, and if necessary, use words.” Maybe we can all learn to preach through our actions. S.
I personally don’t think religious discussions belong in the workplace. I very much agree though with your thoughts above.
I just looked into the Evangelization thread to see if there were any ideas. I related to you because it seems like kindness and doing the best work you can do is as Christian as we can get. Words often turn people off unless they ask. Hang in there and pray, pray pray.
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