A group meets in our parish a couple of times a month to discuss the new USCCB Catechism for American Catholics. Great dficussion material, BTW. Anyhow, tonight’s discussion segued into a disucssion of how to speak about one’s faith in a work environment where co-workers are not only not Catholic, but from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. And to add to the strain, the workplace is the Bureau of Workers Compensation, where so many people are trying to get over on the system from the outside, that the workers are jaded from seeing so much dishonesty contrasted with so much beaurocratic hindrance for those who are legitimately in need. I found this discussion fascinating and not easily relegated to simple solutions. Another comment concerned being put down in the workplace for being prolife - vilified as a religious fanatic or fundamentalist, when really the person considers himself a Dorothy Day Catholic with a pro-life conscience. How can we work with these situations for the glory of God? Thanks and stay well, S.