Living up to high standards

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I follow a popular Catholic speaker online. Today they just posted a quote from GK Chesterton which said “Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.”

My question is, what if a Parent has a personality disorder that is potentially dangerous? Are we supposed to put ourselves in danger by enduring their abusive tendencies in the name of love? According to this quote by GK Chesterton it seems like if you dont choose to keep them in your life you are lacking virtue. Thoughts? Am I jumping to conclusions here?
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There are any number of ways to love a person that doesn’t involve putting up with their (insert CA appropriate word).
I agree with Allegra. Sometimes all we can do is keep them in prayer, even if they aren’t a part of our every day lives. I would say we would have to at least make sure they have food, clothing, shelter, medical care etc or refer them to social services if they don’t have those things. It all depends on how much you can tolerate seeing them and setting healthy boundaries for yourself. We don’t have to allow ourselves to be abused in the name of love. We can love people and forgive them despite needing to protect ourselves by staying away to a greater or lesser extent.
I love my sister. She lives 1,000 miles away. Distance from her does not mean I do not love her.

I love my goddaughter. She lives “off the grid” and often I have no idea where she is on planet earth. Does not mean I love her any less.

We do not have to spend time with or even see/talk to/text people to love them.
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