We are having a formal will drawn up. I was wondering about living wills, as well, if that is a good thing to do or perhaps if there is a good alternative to them. Anyone have any info on this? Thanks.
I went to the website that you mentioned in your earlier post. It has nothing on PMDD on it. Can you perhaps give me a direct link??Here is another link for you, please read these links for your own information, a lot of people do not fully understand the Church’s teachings on end of life care, I know I did not until I really researched it for a talk with the Catholic Daughters, who were all very suprised by some things as well.
The document you want instead of a Living Will is called a PROTECTIVE MEDICAL DECISIONS DOCUMENT (PMDD) and you can read about it at the link I gave in this message.
Do you mean I can not have a living will which says that my life is sacred and any medical treatment to protect my life should be taken? I think you are wrong on this. You can have anything you desire written into a living will, it does not need to be anti-Catholic or go against Catholic teaching. Is there anything requiring a living will go against Catholic teaching?Here is another link for you, please read these links for your own information, a lot of people do not fully understand the Church’s teachings on end of life care, I know I did not until I really researched it for a talk with the Catholic Daughters, who were all very suprised by some things as well.
The document you want instead of a Living Will is called a PROTECTIVE MEDICAL DECISIONS DOCUMENT (PMDD) and you can read about it at the link I gave in this message.
I did not mean to get your feathers ruffled…yes your points are valid and the links I found to be good…I guess I just had a good attorney who did not use the "typical"living will that everyone else uses…he actually spoke and talked with me about what I did and did not want. You are right in saying that the “typical” living willTom and everyone else reading- I am not trying to be argumentative here, I provided links which give very clear simple information on the dangers of most “Living Wills” there are alternatives that are better choices IMO. If you have a “Living Will” that states the sanctity of your life, and accounts for every single possiblity of “choices” that an unknown Dr. could end up making for you, that is your choice. I am just trying to caution folks that the vast majority of the time, a Living Will is not the way to go. Appointing a good faithful Catholic person whom you trust to make your decisions should you be unable to, is much better than a piece of paper to be interpreted by the ER Dr. on that day.
Surely a Catholic could have a legal document that they call a “Living Will” which is in accordance with Church teachings, but the vast majority of printed “Living Wills” being handed out by Dr.s and hospitals, are not the best choice of what to use.
If anyone thinks the info. contained in the links I provided is not good, I’d be open to hearing about that.