Blessings Liz,
You are not looking w the eyes of God. You are seeing Satan’s handiwork. Try not to disrespect your spouse. We are all imperfect sinners, trying to build our dynasty, requiring forgiveness…
Categorize your problems. 1-finances?
2-stress that is having your husband drink & spend. 3- Your attraction to him is affected b/c of your disappointment. So, Focus on yourself & Your responsibilities. Say positive things to him. Share old photos of your wedding day, etc Reclaim his attn. After a week or so. Around a payday, show him lists of things needed. Go shopping together.
He is restless & discontent. If you have kids, I hope they are behaving. You don’t need extra stress.
A clean, organized home brings calm. He’s concerned about things as you are but he’s drinking & spending.
You can ask for counseling. Does Orthodoxy have confession & offer counseling w priest?!
You are facing a bump in your road of life. Never say Divorce. Say FIx IT!
What came first? The chicken or the egg? A problem popped up, he’s drinking. OR he’s drinking, making a problem. Things can get fragile at work & his company might be closing. Sears is closing. I DK what He does?
Communication is lacking! I’m
Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God, & everything else will be added unto you.
All things are possible w Christ, Jesus, our Lord, who strengthens us. God is not the author of confusion but of a sound mind.
A husband is to love his wife, as Jesus loved His church, even to die for her. A wife is to desire her husband (In Genesis, after Adam & Eve left Eden.). A wife is to RESPECT her husband. (Ephesians 5: 21-33.) It never says a wife is to love her husband. Just DESIRE (HMMM ) & RESPECT. FUNNY HUH! But the husband is to LOVE US, even as Christ loved His church.
Father God, You know the situation. Open their eyes & hearts to reconcile in Spirit & solve these Problems. Thank you, Jesus.
Blessed Mother continue our prayer to Your Son. Jesus present this situation to the Father for help. Heal the confused .& broken hearted. .
Thank You
In Jesus name