Logical problem omnipotence

  • Thread starter Thread starter KevinK
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Apologists often say that God’s power does not extend to logical contradictions. For example it is said he cannot create a square circle. If that is the case why are other logical contradictions accepted such as a substance simultaneously being flesh and bread? If God cannot create a square circle, why can he create a “flesh bread” or be something that is completely human and completely God?
The property of a circle is that it is NOT square.
The properties of humans, and the properties of God, share similarities. God made humans “in His image”, and God indeed in the Second Person of the Trinity became fully God and fully Man.

It’s a mystery, but since it is Supernatural, don’t expect to see it explained ‘from nature’ (Science can only examine what is ‘observable in the natural world’).
There’s a difference between inherently contradictory thoughts and that which is not inherently contradictory.
The Eucharist is no longer bread, but merely maintains the appearance of bread, as the substance is completely changed. It is not bread while also being the Flesh and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. There is nothing inherently contradictory with this, though it is contrary to normal experience and the natural order (and hence is a miracle, though it happens daily and routinely).
In terms of Jesus, He has two natures in One Person, which again, though odd and outside the natural order, is not inherently contradictory.

Think of it like this: you can’t even possibly imagine a square circle as it is impossible, yet quite clearly we are able to at least entertain the idea of the Eucharist.
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