I feel lonely. Or Its just a story that I created in my mind? I have my parents, Jesus. Why Im complaining? Dunno. Maybe I need a hug from my mom or dad? Mom hugged me more when I was a kid. Now im 18 and its completely mixed. I want to trust Jesus but then I fall into self abuse and regret it. What to do? I want to love Jesus, to follow Him. I want to love my parents no matter what was the past(FYI I didnt get any violence nor sth like that, I had normal childhood). Afraid to tell them Id probably need a psychological help. Or is it fake? Maybe I dont need it? Its also hard to meet with known priest to talk. For me its hard. Maybe i dont need any medical help, but only real trust in Jesus? To trust like a child that trusts his dad and mom. I want to be loved but cant appreciate what my parents do. Even being with me! Am I hypocrite?