Long Distance Adoration?

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I was wondering if it’s okay to attend Adoration in your own home? I mean I found a website that has the Blessed Sacrament exposed 24 hours through a webcam. You can see it on your computer screen, does it count the same as if you were in a chapel? I am wondering because I know Adoration is a time of peace and quiet for those who go there, I have a 9 month old and no one to watch him. I would love to attend Adoration, but I don’t want to bother anyone else during their time with our Lord with my child who will make noise unless he’s asleep. Does anyone know if it’s okay to do this and if carries the same weight?
Hi Lexee!

God bless you on your desire to adore Him.

It certainly is perfectly ok. You might want to check out this page monksofadoration.org/webadore.html for some insight into that particular topic.

I thought this point would be especially comforting to you:
St. Aloysius Gonzaga drew a monstrance on the wall of his room in the direction of the nearest tabernacle so that he could direct his prayers to Jesus present there.
In any event, you are probably aware that administration of the Sacraments require our proximate presence: therefore confessions, confirmations, etc over the phone are not valid sacraments.

But since you are not talking about receiving a sacrament (and hence are not talking about receiving sacramental graces per se), we don’t have to worry about proximity.

Adoration of Our Lord’s presence is ok, anywhere and anytime. Since prayer is the lifting one’s mind and heart to God, you certainly are praying!

As far as whether it carries the “same weight” as being in the proximate presence of Christ in the sacrament. . .well no, in the sense that he is not sacramentally present in the image. But you are adoring Him. I would say it is very close to the practice of “Spiritual Communion” or the practice of the homebound viewing a televised Sacrfrice of the Mass.

What do you think Lexee?
Yes, it is ok. The one thing you may miss is the spirit of the atmosphere. Adoration Chapels tend to have a strong aura of peace associated with them that you might miss doing it at home.
wow, I’ve never heard of anything like that! i think i would miss out on the spiritual healing of kneeling right by Christ Himself, but it you really need Adoration, I guess that’s probably very nice to have
My impression of online adoration is simple. It’s not as beneficial as proximal adoration since you are not physically in Christ’s presence, but are adoring Him through the webcam. Like an online Christ conference 🙂 Which is different than being 10 feet away from Him.
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