Long term holy water storage

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I was blessed to become a godmother again last Saturday and did something I wish I had thought of for my other godchildren, collected holy water from the baptismal font to give to her later as part of a gift for one of her other sacraments. Apart from evaporation, does holy water ever turn kind of nasty if it sits in a bottle for years? The holy water font in my house gets funky but people are putting their hands in it.
It can grow some green mold/ algae. I tend to keep it out of sunlight for this reason. Probably the refrigerator is the best place if you want to keep it a really long time. Also, keeping it in a dark bottle will reduce algae and mold growth.
Thank you! Sounds like it should be a first communion or even anniversary of baptism gift. The sooner the better. Or I should look into having it put into something like they do in some rosaries so that algae or mold won’t matter.
It tends to eventually evaporate out of the rosary compartments a lot faster than out of your standard closed Holy Water bottle, in my experience.
Congratulations on your little Godchild.
Freeze it until such time as it’s required. Frozen water expands so freeze it in a container that is not completely filled to allow for the expansion. A clean plastic water bottle should be fine to freeze it in.
Yes, water can turn nasty in a liquid state if stored for years. This water will already have an interesting bacterial profile after time in the font.
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I have Holy water - at least 60 years old - some specks inside float about -
but I’m not about to drink it.
Very powerful - in my collection of religious things.
I have some holy water I got from different shrines and basilicas and such. I like your idea about Baptismal water! I’ve kept mine in a white plastic container for 10+ years and it’s fine, granted I can’t really see inside it because there are Holy symbols and words on the container so you can’t see how the water itself looks.

I also have holy oil I got blessed from a Priest who is a known miracle healer
My priest and deacon put blessed salt in the water when it is blessed. It is part of the blessing as far as I know.

In another parish I had 4 salty spots on myself after the holy water had dried. Some salt even dropped into my eyes and I couldn’t figure out why my eyes were hurting until after a couple of hours when I saw the spots on my shirt.
Holy water rosaries I’ve seen have a little sealed thing, usually at the place where the rosary ends join, that some holy water is put in.
Usually they’re Lourdes water rosaries.
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I’d probably go with a sealed bottle (mason jar or similar sealed) and a dark corner of a cabinet.
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My mother has a rosary where the beads are little tear drops with I believe some holy water in it and little babies. It’s a rosary specifically blessed and one of the beliefs is, using this rosary will prevent at least one abortion each time, or something like that
I use a new (never used) medicine bottle from the pharmacy. It’s perfect for keeping it from turning funky.

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