I’ve volunteered with the poor, both in the US and Mexico. I got my placement in Mexico through that Catholic resource I listed. I volunteered for 9 months at a Catholic orphanage here that was established by an American priest (God rest his soul).
I’ve since been working with other places, INEA (Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos) …like what Literacy Volunteers used to be in the US, teaching people to read and write.
I volunteered for I guess 5 years as a basic literacy tutor in the US, as well. I worked I guess another 5 years or so as a volunteer with Goodwill Easter Seals tutoring English as a Second Language.
I have also since volunteered with IEEA here (Instituto Estatal para la Educación de los Adultos) and with a blind association, locally.
I once volunteered as a Spanish interpreter with immigrants for a few months and tutored there, as well.
I have helped out, briefly, other places. Once, a friend here came down with typhoid, went back to the US for treatment. I helped take over his volunteer classes.
I also helped out for a short time with a project with Rotary International here in Mexico.
Through my volunteer work, I was actually later to get some part-time employment…through the experience and skills I developed there, I mean.